[meteorite-list] Ice Meteorites From Jesus

From: JoshuaTreeMuseum <joshuatreemuseum_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 13:52:22 -0500
Message-ID: <6B572F926CCE4043890CA3F15BDDA578_at_ET>

 There is a mental disorder called meteorophobia. (Not really that crazy if
you think about it). There are related phobias called: astrophobia,
cometophobia, kosmikophobia, siderophobia, (fear of stars), and spacephobia.
There should be a name for the meteorite related delusional disorder that
seems to keep popping up.

Some suggestions:

Astroidelusional disorder, Meteoroidelusional disorder, Chondritic
catatonia, Siderite syndrome.

It's clearly a delusional disorder, they have many of the same symptoms. The
ice meteorite guy is a lot like the Chinese blood vessels in meteorites guy.
It could probably be treated like any other delusional disorder.
Many people are afraid of heights, not me, I'm afraid of widths. (SW)

Phil Whitmer
Received on Mon 29 Nov 2010 01:52:22 PM PST

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