[meteorite-list] BLACK FRIDAY POP QUIZ Answer

From: Impactika at aol.com <Impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 15:07:08 EST
Message-ID: <9d9e1.70fe6749.3a24106c_at_aol.com>

Yes, I can vouch that Calcalong Creek is the most expensive meteorite at
this time.
Earlier this year I sold a tiny fragment of Calcalong, 0.002g (2 mg), for
more per gram than any of the prices quoted below.
And I sold it very fast, it never even appeared on my website.
Has anyone else sold or bought any Calcalong Creek this year?
Anne M. Black
_http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/)
_IMPACTIKA at aol.com_ (mailto:IMPACTIKA at aol.com)
President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
_http://www.imca.cc/_ (http://www.imca.cc/)
In a message dated 11/28/2010 12:43:58 PM Mountain Standard Time,
meteoritemike at gmail.com writes:
Hi Stuart and List,

Questions like this can be tricky, depending on the information
sources available.

For example...

I once paid $100 for a 1mg speck of Sylacauga. That amounts to a
staggering $100,000/gram.

Even further....

I once traded for a 1mg speck of Lafayette. In the process of moving
the speck to another gemjar, the speck fractured into two pieces - one
larger, one smaller. I sold the smaller sub-speck for $100. I would
wager that the speck weighed less than 1/2 milligram. So the selling
price on that was about $200,000 per gram or more.

>From everything I have read or seen, $200K per gram exceeds any known
auction price or selling price for a meteorite (per gram).

Of course, I wasn't around back before the internet and during the
opening days of the Saharan gold rush when lunars and martians were
selling for astronomical prices. During those days, Calcalong Creek
was exceedingly-expensive. It is indeed possible that some intrepid
soul paid more than $200K/gram for a speck of it.

Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564

On 11/28/10, Stuart McDaniel <actionshooting at carolina.rr.com> wrote:
> Is it written somewhere that this IS the most expensive per gram?? Because
> internet searches turns up all different ones as "the most expensive
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Alan
> Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 1:50 PM
> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: [meteorite-list] BLACK FRIDAY POP QUIZ Answer
> Hello Listers,
> The answer and winner to the Black Friday Pop Quiz is Calcalong Creek and
> the winner is Ty. Thank all for submitting your answers.
> Shawn Alan
> IMCA 1633
> eBaystore
> http://shop.ebay.com/photophlow/m.html
Received on Sun 28 Nov 2010 03:07:08 PM PST

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