[meteorite-list] "Weston" on e-bay

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 17:56:38 -0500
Message-ID: <AANLkTikf1C2x=hRb_6OKZeokHUY3R5OKeRL7rBu=zx5Y_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Listees,

In the spirit of the recent Weston eBay discussion, I would like to
offer this superb .5kg Weston individual. It has lovely remnant brown
fusion crust and a stellar oriented shape, like a musket ball.


I am offering this at the lowball price of $5000, considering the
extreme rarity of pieces such as this.

Please ignore any coincidental resemblance it has to a moqui marble. ;)

Best regards,


On 11/18/10, Don Merchant <dmerchan at rochester.rr.com> wrote:
> Hi List. Well instead of guessing or assuming as we are, I decided to ask
> the Seller about these pieces. Notice I said pieces and not meteorites! I
> copy n pasted my questions and concerns to the seller below for the auction
> below. So keep an eye on auction to see if he/she will post the questions on
> the auction. If not I will post back to all of you if I am given a reply
> back.
> Sincerely
> Don Merchant
> Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders
> http://www.ctreasurescwonders.com/index.html
> Hi. Do you have a COA and ID Card for these meteorites? How do you know that
> these meteorites are Weston? What info that is not described in your auction
> can you tell me about these pieces. My biggest concern is authenticity and a
> history on how these pieces fell into your hands and the hand of the former
> owner. Had to come from somewhere?
> Thank you
> http://cgi.ebay.com/1807-Western-CT-Weston-17-Meteorites-total-66-grams_W0QQitemZ390261301841
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Meteorites USA" <eric at meteoritesusa.com>
> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 5:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] "Weston" on e-bay
>> I'm sorry, did I miss where the seller said it was an iron? I didn't read
>> that anywhere in the auction... :o\
>> Maybe you're talking about the "appearance" of these?
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/1807-Western-CT-Weston-17-Meteorites-total-66-grams_W0QQitemZ390261301841
>> Also, saying someone is dumb for not knowing Weston is not an iron is not
>> really fair to them in my opinion because it assumes that the person
>> buying "should" know everything about all meteorites and doesn't account
>> for new meteorite collectors. Yes people should be prudent, and research
>> what you're buying when you don't know much about it. But we must admit we
>> don't all do that either...
>> This particular seller is selling all sorts of things and has *1518*
>> Feedback, all 100% Positive. Meteorites are obviously not their regular
>> inventory...
>> This tells me there's a chance this seller was scammed by someone else...
>> Maybe the seller doesn't know, and is selling these pieces unknowingly as
>> Weston meteorite because that's what he/she were told.
>> It says in the auction "...I have a few dozen pieces that I am moving from
>> a private collection..."
>> It doesn't say he/she found it. Just that it's from a private collection.
>> Did the seller buy these for resale, and if so from whom?
>> I would ask who or what the original source was for these rocks...
>> Eric
>> On 11/18/2010 1:37 PM, JoshuaTreeMuseum wrote:
>>> This auction just ended, a great price for 72 grams of Weston, (I paid a
>>> lot more than that for mine!), not so great of a price for botryoidal
>>> hematite. But seriously, if you're so dumb you don't know that Weston is
>>> an H4 and you bid on a piece of Weston sold as an iron, I don't really
>>> feel that sorry for you.
>>> --------------------
>>> Phil Whitmer
>>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390261289839&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&autorefresh=true
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Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
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Received on Thu 18 Nov 2010 05:56:38 PM PST

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