[meteorite-list] Pierson Barretto will present in "Palaeolagoons - new perspective on the meteoritic craters in Brazil" at meeting of Encontro Nacional de Astronomia, Nov 13-14: Rich Murray 2010.11.11

From: Rich Murray <rmforall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:34:42 -0700
Message-ID: <729893A5987C4BF5AF55F840569565C3_at_ownerPC>

Pierson Barretto will present in "Palaeolagoons - new perspective on the
meteoritic craters in Brazil" at meeting of Encontro Nacional de Astronomia,
Nov 13-14: Rich Murray 2010.11.11


Pierson Barretto
November 9th, 2010 at 2:56 pm

Hello for All,

Neocatastrophism seems headed in the right direction.
The sudden climate stabilization at the end of the Pleistocene may be
actually associated with the catastrophic effect of the impact of fragments
from a prehistoric comet, not an asterod, initiating a new climate order,
the Holocene.

Now, with new information and technologies available, it is possible to
identify the scars of meteoritic events today on the Internet, using Google
Earth -- thousands of craters, countless, are enough to help us imagine the
effects on climate and biota of the planet, including humans and their
culture, from catastrophic meteor explosions of atomic bomb power.

The scars left by the explosions of meteors on the continents are
identifiable in "Palaeolagoons" worldwide.
They are distributed near our backyards, stemming from processes a little
different from the conventional impacts of small asteroids.
Palaeolagoons range from a few hundred meters to a few tens of kilometers in
They are aligned and elliptical structures, where impactites can be found,
and they may be 12,900 years old, or younger.

The research, unpublished, will appear in a Panel: "Palaeolagoons - new
perspective to the meteoritic craters in Brazil," during the13th National
Astronomy Meeting (Encontro Nacional de Astronomia) -- ENAST 2010 on Recife,
Brazil, November 13/14.

More about Neocatastrophism and Palaeolagoons, with the research state of
the art (in English), and the Panel's meeting (in Portuguese) are available
in the annexes of the site: http://sites.google.com/site/cosmopier/

best regards, Pierson

[ Google Translator handles Portuguese well. ]


When: 11/13/2010 to 11/14/2010. Where: Brazil, PERNAMBUCO.
O evento concentrar? 4 encontros:

- 13? Encontro Nacional de Astronomia
- VI Encontro Interestadual Nordestino de Astronomia
- XII Encontro Regional do Ensino da Astronomia
- 2? Encontro de Observadores de Cometas

P?blico: pesquisadores e amadores.
Temas das palestras: ATM - Constru??o de telesc?pios, ensino, divulga??o,
astruturismo, meio ambiente, entretenimento, astrometria, evolu??o estelar,
gal?xias, cosmologia, arqueoastronomia, astrobiologia, astrof?sica,
radioastronomia, meio interestelar, hist?ria da astronomia, etnoastronomia,
astronomia jovem, astron?utica, tecnologia da informa??o, astrofotografia,
cometas, astronomia observacional.

M?ximo de inscritos presenciais: 500
M?ximo de inscritos virtuais: 800

Valor da inscri??o: inscri??o gratuita.
Local: Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
Received on Fri 12 Nov 2010 01:34:42 AM PST

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