[meteorite-list] WisconsinSchool project - Suggestion

From: Impactika at aol.com <Impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 17:16:51 EDT
Message-ID: <633a3.672f295d.39285243_at_aol.com>

If I may make a suggestion...........
Lets think about Meteorites in general, rather than just one Wisconsin
Since you now have about $750.00, buy an assortment of reasonably priced,
classified, known meteorites. Maybe a Canyon Diablo, a small Brenham, a
couple stonies with different classification. No crumbs, large enough pieces so
they can see what a metorite looks like, and how many different types there
are. That would lead to a much better understanding of meteorites, than just
one small stone.
If you decided to do that, I am quite sure you would find more offers and
more help. In fact, I would be willing to help you with donations.
And if you really insist on getting them a piece of the Wisconsin stone,
then I suggest you wait 6 months to a year, when more stones have been found,
and the price has gone down. As it always does with new falls, particularly
when it is an ordinary chondrite; look at Buzzard Coulee: $40/g during the
Tucson Show, $10/g now.
What do you think?
Anne M. Black
_http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/)
_IMPACTIKA at aol.com_ (mailto:IMPACTIKA at aol.com)
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
_http://www.imca.cc/_ (http://www.imca.cc/)
In a message dated 5/21/2010 5:28:27 AM Mountain Daylight Time,
mlblood at cox.net writes:
Hi All,
I keep reading all these posts that say, "Here's a donation!"
But it ISN'T a donation, it is just dozens of people that can't seem
To be bothered changing the Subject box.
I also find it interesting that 59 stones are now reportedly
Found and not one single whole stone has been offered for sale
To the real Wisconsin School donation project - even t $100/g.
(I have had ONE offer of ONE whole stone for OVER $100/g -
So, I guess that is the best that is going to be had).
I don't mean to sound like a grinch, but please change the
wording in the Subject box unless you are actually making a
donation. If you want to talk about the project but not make
A donation you can put, "Wisconsin School Project" or the like.
Thanks, Michael
Received on Fri 21 May 2010 05:16:51 PM PDT

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