[meteorite-list] WI-Bill and Sonny

From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 13:46:51 -0700
Message-ID: <C807274B.E0FF%mlblood_at_cox.net>

Dear Karl & all,
        This diatribe can cease.
        Bill has been removed from the list, at least for the foreseeable
        Direct attacks against another list member are a violation
Of list rules.
        Please, no more. Commenting on others doing it most definitely
Ads a great deal to the pollution - in fact, in my opinion, the nearly
Endless commenting after such an infraction is at least (and I think
More) disruptive than the original violation, itself. People never
Ever seem to learn that they can contact a person off list if they
Hold issue with what s/he said on list. Instead, the issue just goes
On and on and on.
        I find it highly ironic that I have NOT told my 10 year old
Nephew about the list, in spite of his enthusiastic response to
His first exposure to the meteorite scene at the Tucson Show this
Year. Many dealers were exceptionally kind and informative and
Even gave him specimens when they saw his enthusiasm. However,
Given the attacking that goes on on this list and the resulting back
And forth, seemingly endless commentary about same, I have, at
least for the time being, simply not informed him of this source of
otherwise invaluable information.
        How weird is that?
        I don't want to "turn him off" to meteorites, so, I am not telling
Him about the list because so many members utilize this list as a
forum to attack one another, point fingers and comment endlessly
About those who do. Very sad.
        Sincerely, Michael

On 5/5/10 6:01 AM, "Karl Aston" <stlouismeteorites at gmail.com> wrote:

> All:? I usually just lurk but need to put in my 2 cents about recent
> posts by Bill and Sonny.? Prior to WI, I had not known Sonny
> personally, but his good reputation preceeded him.? While hunting with
> him over the last 2 weeks, I have seen nothing but gentlemanly
> behavior and respect from him towards landowners as well as fellow
> meteorite hunters.? I do not know Bill and cannot comment except about
> his rude post.? Bill, if you have anything to say/post other than an
> apology to Sonny and the list, please take it off-list to Sonny.? The
> list is no place for name-calling.
> As far as the lack of material, this is not even close to hunting in
> West. I think that the average number of finds per hunter
> (professional) now is just about 1 with something like 100 hours of
> searching needed to find that 1 stone. In the first week it was about
> 1/2 find or less per hunter. There is no pumping of a lack of stones.
> This isn't the Buzzard it was initially thought to be. Bill, how
> many stones have you found and how many hours have you seached? I
> hope you have done better than me with more than 100 hours for my 1
> stone. With most hunters keeping their one find or a slice of it, not
> much material will make it to market unless someone on the ground
> makes a breakthrough. Karl Aston
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Received on Wed 05 May 2010 04:46:51 PM PDT

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