[meteorite-list] WI-Bill and Sonny

From: Karl Aston <stlouismeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 08:01:23 -0500
Message-ID: <h2u34c0c5311005050601yc6ac09cbg412fbb86c1c527d1_at_mail.gmail.com>

All:? I usually just lurk but need to put in my 2 cents about recent
posts by Bill and Sonny.? Prior to WI, I had not known Sonny
personally, but his good reputation preceeded him.? While hunting with
him over the last 2 weeks, I have seen nothing but gentlemanly
behavior and respect from him towards landowners as well as fellow
meteorite hunters.? I do not know Bill and cannot comment except about
his rude post.? Bill, if you have anything to say/post other than an
apology to Sonny and the list, please take it off-list to Sonny.? The
list is no place for name-calling.

As far as the lack of material, this is not even close to hunting in
West. I think that the average number of finds per hunter
(professional) now is just about 1 with something like 100 hours of
searching needed to find that 1 stone. In the first week it was about
1/2 find or less per hunter. There is no pumping of a lack of stones.
 This isn't the Buzzard it was initially thought to be. Bill, how
many stones have you found and how many hours have you seached? I
hope you have done better than me with more than 100 hours for my 1
stone. With most hunters keeping their one find or a slice of it, not
much material will make it to market unless someone on the ground
makes a breakthrough. Karl Aston
Received on Wed 05 May 2010 09:01:23 AM PDT

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