[meteorite-list] Need free Lunar micro

From: DEBORAH ANNE K. MARTIN <dak_mar_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 22:25:26 +0000
Message-ID: <36270F4FD6A54547A19A06C178A7BA015113254D_at_BL2PRD0102MB005.prod.exchangelabs.com>

Good day all,

I received a rather unusual phone call at work (I work in a planetarium) yesterday: a 10 year old boy suffered a unspecified family trauma and getting him to speak (mother tongue is French) is practically impossible. However, a writer and social activist, the lady who called, seems to be slowly getting through. He has asked her for a moon rock and she called expecting that moon rocks were plentiful and cheap; she quickly became disabused of the notion.

Since we do sell meteorites, I suggested a small one which she is willing to pay out of her own pocket. I have to write a short note as an astronomer certifying it is a rock from space.

Then I thought of this group: would someone be willing to donate a lunar micro to the cause ? That would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact me off-list if interested.

Thank you

Andre Bordeleau
Received on Wed 17 Mar 2010 06:25:26 PM PDT

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