[meteorite-list] Meteors, by C. P. Oliver an original copy pubished in 1925

From: Shawn Alan <photophlow_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 12:37:53 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <484630.18891.qm_at_web113620.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>

   AL and List,

It looks like you have read the past few post on this topic and what we have been discussion. I can concluded that Mike, Bob have both stated that the signing of the book that is listed on the Internets is signed by a women and not by Dr LaPaz. However I have pointed out alot of similarities and also stated where the book is from Dr LaPaz estate. To finalize this I have over looked something that is very odd if a women wrote Dr LaPaz name in his book instead of him which, Mike has suggested.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/48262799 at N03/4422192244/

Now there is one other thing I noticed about the two writing samples
 that I have been over looking. look at the L's from both samples, they both are by themselves. The next letter, A is also by its self in both samples. Now?look at the P's , both P's are by themselves. And?lastly, the?A and Z are connected in both samples. Now from those two samples?what are the odds that Bob, Al, and Mike keep saying that a female wrote the second sample would have the same letter patterns being connected and not
connected, and not to mention the other patterns that are similar in both hand writing samples?

Lastly, Mikes sample is an autograph and the second sample is from Dr LaPaz signing his name in his personal book for his Library usage. Those two outcomes will result in different styles, but similarities will be present if its done by the same person, which there are a few similarities which most people can see plus the letter pattern of letters being connected and not connected that its done by Dr LaPaz.

Shawn Alan

[meteorite-list] Meteors, by C. P. Oliver an original copy
pubished in 1925
    al mitt
    almitt at kconline.com

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Hi Shawn,

One other thing that might be done is to go back and find some

papers that Lapaz wrote and compare those as another source. There
has to be

an archive of letters from him, if he didn't type out letters or
have that

done. I know your convienced of the authenticity of the book's

I personally would contact a handwriting expert If I had any
question and

get an opinion there. It would put to rest any questions (if you
have any)

and could be used as a pedigree source to sell the book in the

I know that there are some fake Nininger signitures in books he
wrote but

that is an attempt for who ever signed them like Nininger to get
more for

the book or books they were selling. I believe Mike has commented
about that

in the past. All my best and this has been an interesting discussion
 and I

have learn some things.

--AL Mitterling

----- Original Message -----

From: "Shawn Alan" <photophlow
 at yahoo.com>

To: <almitt2
at localnet.com>; <bobl at

Cc: <meteorite-list
 at meteoritecentral.com>

Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11:01 PM

Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteors,by C. P. Oliver an original copy

in 1925

Hi Bob, AL, and Listers :)

Thank you for your comments on this topic. The book that is in
question has

been posted on the Internet by a gentlemen that married Dr LaPaz

He is handling Dr LaPaz estate and in 2001 found over 500g of Norton

meteorite in Dr LaPaz basement which 320g was taped by Dr LaPaz in
fear of

the fragment fracturing( I have 3 images that he sent me and if
anyone wants

to see the images I can email them to you if you like). Last month I

purchased 2.3s fragment with photo copy's of new paper clippings and
 a photo

copy of a hand written letter from Dr LaPaz. Also the individual had
 told me

about the book he uploaded to the Internet and from the email he
sent me he

stated Dr LaPaz would sign his name in his book. Signing your name

something you own and doing a signature for a book sign are two

things. One is lose and the other is tight. Now its funny Mike
hasn't stated

where he got the book from with the signature.The book

 that is listed on the Internet is from Dr LaPaz's personal library

collection, making that book from the main source. Also when you
look at the

signature and the signing there are a few similarities between the
two. Here

is a link to the signature and the signing by Dr LaPaz.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/48262799 at N03/4422192244/

Take a look at the 2 L's and take a look at where the L curves. At

instance with both L's the curves are similar with their curves.
This can be

further seen with the P's on the top of the P, the arch lines up

on the upward angle which that angle is also indicative with the L
angles as

well. When looking at the bottom of the P's they both point at an

angle. Also notice the relation of where the P's start to the
relation of

P's arch. In both P's one can notice that the proportions are

Another observation I pointed out that I think is damning is look at
 the P

in the left corner and do you notice at the end of the P how it
arches up?

Now take a look at the signature and look at the end of the P and
see the

arches and almost closes cause its a signature.

Now I would like to move to the A's. In both hand writing samples I
cant pen

point any similarities between the two on how they are written in
style. But

I did notice a pattern between the two on how they're written. Now
take a

look at both A's from the samples. Notice that the A's in La are

in respects to the A's in Paz. That pattern is suggestive in both

samples where you see that one A are different to one another.

Lets move on to the Z. This one was a hard one but after writing to
you and

having a nights rests I noticed the shapes are similar. One is tight
 and the

other is vary loose. Where the z intersects the distance at the

point is similar in respects to proportion.

Now what you two , I mean three are saying, if a women wrote in the

that is listed on the internet


why are there alot of similarities between the two examples of
writings? I

would find it very odd that there would be any similarities at all.
Now lets

say that the signature is from a book signing that Mike personal
went to and

got the signature from Dr LaPaz, I would feel that Mikes signature

validate as a good source and would confirm that the two samples

similarities. And if it wasn't signed in front of Mike the signature
 as an

example could be in question. But again, Mike is an expert in

books and signatures, so I would have to agree with you Bob and Al
that the

signature Mike provided is by Dr LaPaz. In turn we can take that

listed by Mike and compare and it to the signed name by Dr LaPaz in

other book see some good similarities in the two writing styles.

Thank you

Shawn Alan

[meteorite-list] Meteors, by C. P. Oliver an original copy pubished

1925almitt2 at localnet.com almitt2 at localnet.com

Wed Mar 10 21:11:57 EST 2010

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pubished in 1925

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Hi Bob,

Haven't had time to chime in on this but wanted to. I agree with

statements. Especially in regard to Mike Jensen's knowledge on the

subject of meteorite books and signitures. He would be the first

I would contact If I wondered about something in a meteorite book

is a super knowledgable guy.

While he was being humble by saying he isn't an absolute expert, an

expert is someone who knows more than the typical person on a

and I would say that Mike is an expert as he has been dealing in

for a long long time.

--AL Mitterling

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