[meteorite-list] MOSSGIEL METEORITE

From: Bob WALKER <qwalkra_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 23:39:40 +1100 (EST)
Message-ID: <61989.>


I wasn't quite sure if I could post via webmail since the metlist server
is fussy with plain text and html mail...

I had already asked the Bloodster to post on my behalf and apologise for
any double-posting

I've dropped off the map for a while with an Army deployment overseas and
more recently I've had some grim news about my health and longevity - no
doubt my enemies will gloat but I forgive them... better you knew what
fraud and criminal activity aboundeth

I've been cheered immensely today by a CD of polished thin section
pictures of the Mossgiel meteorite that arrived in the mail today - I've
loaned some Mossgiel specimens with a view to it's reclassification to LL4
and a trade...

The polished thin section pix are drop-dead gorgeous (poor choice of words
on my part) and it is hmmm mandatory to share them with listoids

You can view them in all their glory at http://www.qmig.net/mossgiel/

I've downsized the pix to save bandwith but you know where to contact me
if you really really need a CD of the 6 meg 4000 x 3000 originals

Any comments you may care to make on whether the pix shed any clues on
whether Mossgiel is really a LL4 would be appreciated but it does need
some chemical analysis and other testing (this no doubt will begin soon)

Enjoy the pix - I do not think we can ever have enough thin section
pictures !

Remember - it's all about the chondrules !!!

Received on Thu 11 Mar 2010 07:39:40 AM PST

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