[meteorite-list] NWA 5400 - Last Specimens Available - AD
From: Greg Hupe <gmhupe_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 13:18:45 -0400 Message-ID: <58EE127D8C734102AF4C5B51AB70E01C_at_greg323a964987> Dear List Members, After returning home for some much needed R&R over the last couple months, I would like to send an update of what is available of NWA 5400. After the original 4.818kg single stone was partially cut and proper type samples were provided to a team of dedicated, knowledgeable and professional scientists, only 978.2 grams of polished slices and fragments were made available to collectors, along with the 3.426kg Main Mass. Since my first announcing "NWA 5400 - Earth-Related Meteorite" two months ago, I have placed a majority of NWA 5400 in public and private collections, including the Main Mass. This leaves far less material of NWA 5400 available to collectors and museums. I am again considering reasonable offers on the remainder of available specimens of NWA 5400. I will be able to reply and ship accepted offers through mid-Friday, July 30th, just four days from now. I can reply to emails via iPhone after that date but can not ship until I return home by August 9th or 16th. In the words of the classifying scientist just today, "...NWA 5400 is the only "certified" material (well-studied, official, 2 abstracts)[oxygen isotope analysis performed]". NWA 5400: Available Specimens (Updated 7-26-2010): 95.8g cs 148mm x 97mm x 3mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00001.jpg 75.3g cs 149mm x 95mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00002.jpg 69.2g cs 142mm x 93mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00003.jpg 65.5g cs 129mm x 86mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00004.jpg 59.5g cs 137mm x 88mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00005.jpg 58.9g cs 139mm x 90mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00006.jpg 50.7g cs 124mm x 81mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00007.jpg 46.9g cs 113mm x 73mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00008.jpg 42.9g cs 108mm x 71mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00010.jpg 34.8g cs 104mm x 68mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00011.jpg 29.5g csw 100mm x 72mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00012.jpg 38.9g polished fragment 36mm x 21mm x 32mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00013.jpg 8.8g ps 35mm x 33mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00014.jpg 7.9g ps 36mm x 34mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00015.jpg 6g ps 44mm x 28mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00017.jpg 5.4g ps 34mm x 23mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00018.jpg 1.9g ps 27mm x 15mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00022.jpg 1.8g ps 26mm x 13mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00024.jpg 1.082g ps 14mm x 9mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00025.jpg 988mg ps 17mm x 6mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00027.jpg 740mg ps 15mm x 10mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00029.jpg 686mg ps 15mm x 6mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00030.jpg 362mg 7mm x 6mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00035.jpg 354mg ps 9mm x 6mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00036.jpg 344mg ps 12mm x 5mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00037.jpg 340mg ps 10mm x 5mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00038.jpg 318mg ps 12mm x 5mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00039.jpg 2.156g cut fragment 18mm x 13mm x 7mm (not polished, good for thin sections) http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00042.jpg 2.062g cut fragment 22mm x 9mm x 6mm (not polished, good for thin sections) http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00043.jpg 1.284g fragment 18mm x 10mm x 4mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00044.jpg 1.134g cut fragment 19mm x 8mm x 5mm (not polished, good for thin sections) http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00045.jpg 582mg fragment 10mm x 8mm x 3mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00047.jpg 454mg fragment 8mm x 6mm x 3mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00049.jpg 298mg fragment 10mm x 7mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00050.jpg 258mg fragment 8mm x 6mm x 2mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00051.jpg 174mg fragment 6mm x 4mm x 3mm http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/dsc00052.jpg cs - complete slice ps - part slice Thank you for considering these, I appreciate being the opportunity to bring such amazing meteorites such as NWA 5400 and others to the scientific and private communities. There is no need to accept anything other than NWA 5400 when it comes to such a scientifically important meteorite which is in a class all its own! Please see below my original announcement of "NWA 5400 - Earth-Related Meteorite". Best regards, Greg ==================== Greg Hupe The Hupe Collection NaturesVault (eBay) gmhupe at htn.net www.LunarRock.com IMCA 3163 ==================== Click here for my current eBay auctions: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault Original announcement of "NWA 5400 - Earth-Related Meteorite" June 8, 2010: >> Dear List Members, I would like to announce an important new meteorite that has been under intense analysis over the last two years by a select group of scientists from around the world... NWA 5400: Earth-Related Ungrouped Meteorite Northwest Africa 5400 may be a sample from a large asteroid or dwarf planet, which accreted in the early solar nebula in the vicinity of proto-Earth or Theia. NWA 5400 has oxygen isotope ratios indistinguishable from those of rocks from the Earth and the Moon, which plot on the TFL (Terrestrial Fractionation Line). A precise formation age has not yet been measured, but it cannot be older than 4.54 billion years, which likely makes NWA 5400 anomalously young among primitive achondritic objects from the early Solar System. It is generally accepted that the Earth-Moon system was created when Theia collided with proto-Earth about 4.3 billion years ago. Is it possible that NWA 5400 is somehow related to this phenomenal event? NWA 5400 adds valuable understanding of events that took place in the early evolution period of the Solar System. After two years of intense analysis, scientists at prominent institutions from around the world continue to diligently study this 'stand-alone' meteorite, which will add to the already incredible information NWA 5400 has to offer. Link to 2009 LPSC abstract on NWA 5400: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2009/pdf/2332.pdf Link to 2010 LPSC abstract on NWA 5400: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2010/pdf/1492.pdf NWA 5400 has a Total Known Weight of 4.818 kg in a single stone that was discovered in Northwest Africa in 2008. The chocolate-brown mottled matrix takes an extremely nice polish, which reveals the dazzling olivine crystals exhibited in this scientifically important new meteorite! Cross-polarized light optical thin section image of NWA 5400 (width of field = 1.2mm): http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/nwa5400xpl.jpg Image of 58.9-gram complete slice with hologram-like olivine crystals that dance across the polished surface when tilted from side to side: http://www.lunarrock.com/NWA5400/nwa5400slice.jpg << Received on Mon 26 Jul 2010 01:18:45 PM PDT |
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