[meteorite-list] New York goes extra-terrestrial ....

From: Michael Groetz <mpg4444_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2010 20:57:28 -0400
Message-ID: <AANLkTilImp8V5KLWUEW-AT5nA51o6Fpu3KWIrvhU-SbZ_at_mail.gmail.com>

   This would be amazing to attend. Maybe some of you will be there.

New York goes extra-terrestrial as meteorite experts descend on the city in July


How old is our solar system? Where do the organic molecules found in
extraterrestrial materials come from, and how does a planet become
habitable? And how often do large meteoroids -- the dust particles to
boulder-size debris in the solar system -- hit planets like Earth?

These are some of the topics that will be discussed at the largest
gathering of the Meteoritical Society, the international organization
for meteoritics and planetary science, in its nearly 80-year history.
More than 500 experts from all over the world will convene for five
days of presentations and poster sessions at the Park Central Hotel in
New York City beginning July 26.

A pre-conference workshop linking theoretical simulations of the
physical development of proto-planetary disks to observations of
far-away disks and to evidence found in extraterrestrial rocks will be
held at the American Museum of Natural History. The conference
reception will be held in the Museum's Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites.

The American Museum of Natural History hosts the conference's
Barringer Invitational Lecture. This year's speaker is Sean Solomon,
the principle investigator of the MESSENGER mission. Solomon will
present new discoveries this spacecraft has already made, and will
find when in orbit around Mercury, the puzzlingly high-density
innermost planet. This program, which is free and open to the public,
will take place on the evening of July 26.

"After many decades of great science, the international members of the
Society are looking forward to coming to New York for the second time
to hear about interesting new research and discoveries in
extraterrestrial materials," says Hiroko Nagahara, professor at the
University of Tokyo and president of the Meteoritical Society. "I am
also looking forward to awarding the highest honors from our Society."

Among the awards presented this year is the prestigious Leonard medal
which will go to Hiroshi Takeda of Japan's Chiba University for his
analysis of meteorites as pieces of Mars.

"It's wonderful that so many international scientists can come to New
York to share their research and discoveries," says Denton Ebel,
curator in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the
American Museum of Natural History and chair of the Meteoritical
Society's Local Organizing Committee. "The city provides the perfect
cosmopolitan environment to stimulate discussion, collaboration, and
new ideas."

Vice-chairs of the conference's Local Organizing Committee are Michael
Weisberg and Harold Connolly of City University of New York. Jon
Friedrich of Fordham University chairs the Scientific Organizing

The Meteoritical Society is an academic organization founded in 1933
to promote the study of extraterrestrial materials. This year, for its
73rd annual meeting, interesting symposium topics and some
representative papers include:

The age of the solar system and of Earth: Arizona State University's
Audrey Bouvier and colleagues will present evidence from
calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions in the Vigarano meteorite of a solar
system age of 4569.3 million years.

The problem of the missing mantles of iron meteorites: University of
Hawaii's Edward Scott and colleagues will present a radical new
explanation: that iron meteorites form when two protoplanets graze
each other during a collision.

The information meteorites yield about asteroids and comets: Johns
Hopkins University's Andrew Rivkin will present observations of ice on
main belt asteroids.

The rate at which large meteoroids hit Earth: Southwest Research
Institute's Clark Chapman and colleagues will look at new information
from MESSENGER "flybys" about impact craters on Mercury.

The origin of the organic matter found in extraterrestrial material:
Carnegie Institution's Conel Alexander and colleagues have determined
that the water found in chondrites (stony meteorites that have not
melted since their formation) is not from ice at the outer reaches of
the solar system.

The development of habitable planets: University of Chicago's Fred
Ciesla will present a new technique for calculating the transport and
chemical evolution of water ice in pre-planetary disks.
The 73rd annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society will take place at
the Park Central Hotel on 7th Avenue at 56th Street in Manhattan
starting at 8:30am on Monday, July 26. Symposium sessions generally
run until 5 pm, and two poster sessions will be held on the evenings
of June 27 and 29. For the full list of papers and presentations,
visit www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/metsoc2010.

The Barringer Invitational Lecture on MESSENGER and Mercury by Sean
Solomon will be held at 7 pm on June 26 at the American Museum of
Natural History. The event is free, although you can reserve tickets
by calling 212-769-5200. Please enter by the 77th Street entrance
between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue.

Provided by American Museum of Natural History
Received on Thu 08 Jul 2010 08:57:28 PM PDT

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