[meteorite-list] A query
From: Spaceguard <mail_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 12:59:13 +0000 Message-ID: <4B812E21.40109_at_spaceguarduk.com> I received the following today. Does anyone have any ideas, or can anyone help Mr Bartley? Jay Tate The Spaceguard Centre http://www.spaceguarduk.com "hi, I found your site and believe the work you are doing is extremely important. There was an impacts site in my area of Alabama , USA. I have , on several occasions, tried to contact the professor at Auburn University that investigated the impact site to verify a few potential meteorites with out success. The department head took a quick look at a few samples that I had taken to Auburn for review. He stated he was extremely sure they were real. As a novas, I tried to cut one to see what it was made of. After wearing out several hack saw blades, I obtained a diamond saw wheel and was able to cut into the sample. To my surprise there was a pocket of compressed air inside. Really wished it had been inside a vacuum chamber. By chance to you have any contacts in the US that may be willing to review some of the samples to see if there could be any value to science. Keep looking for potential NEOs. Richard W. W. Bartley, Sr 132 Bartley Lane Grady, Al 36036 334-546-9734" Received on Sun 21 Feb 2010 07:59:13 AM PST |
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