[meteorite-list] A Listory of the World, Part One
From: cdtucson at cox.net <cdtucson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 11:50:54 -0500 Message-ID: <20100212115054.1TWHC.434755.imail_at_fed1rmwml43> I'll have what she's having. -- Carl or Debbie Esparza Meteoritemax ---- Sans Saharacis <octahedrite at gmail.com> wrote: > The Listory of the World, Part One. > > > In the beginning, there was darkness and there were no meteorites. > > Then, a voice split the darkness and it said - "let there be light." > > An infinite lighted display case appeared, and it glowed like a > beacon, banishing the darkness. > > The display case appeared lonely, so the voice said "let there be meteorites." > > And the display case was filled with a bounty of chondrites, irons, > and planetaries, lovely and pristine. > > But still the display and its contents were lonely and incomplete. > > So, the voice said "let there be collectors." > > And a throng appeared of men, women and creatures. The throng > gathered around the display case and they did worship it. > > The throng spoke in all languages and they raised praise unto the > meteorites, but they could not communicate with each other. > > At last, the voice said "let there be the Met List" > > And suddenly, the voices of the meteorite worshippers could be heard > and understood by all of the peoples around the world. > > The collectors praised the creator and they gave blessings unto his name - Art. > > Many aeons passed and the world of the List was peaceful and all > collectors co-existed in harmony. > > Over the long years, there arose a great community of many colors and > customs, and they did thrive. > > Amongst the community there came scribes and the spirit of Art went > into them and told them to witness the collectors. > > The spirit told the scribes to take account of the peoples of the List > and know them, and to label them, and to weigh them. > > The spirit commanded - "You will put this account of the peoples to > writing, so that the newbies may understand the ways of the List." > > And so the scribes descended deep into the abyss of the List Archives > and they did read, and read, and read. > > The scribes learned the ways of the multitude of peoples on the List > and this is their story. > > > > Hereafter is the record of the First Scribe : Aerolitis Onepointoh > > The first tribe of the List is the Ancients. They existed from the > moment of the List creation. They are old, wise, wealthy, and > loquacious. > > The Ancients existed in the days before the hot deserts and internets > - they did write letters, exchange paper catalogues and send checks. > > After many centuries, the Ancients became disquieted and they yearned > for lunaites and martians. They called out for Art. > > But Art was not moved, and the Ancients continued to seek guidance, so > a prophet arose among them and his name was The Hagg. > > The Hagg was mighty and his locks put Samson's to shame - he traversed > the Earth and found many meteorites, which he gave glory to. > > In time, the Hagg's display case rivaled that of the creator, so a > dark power rose in opposition to him - to maintain universal balance. > > This dark power was wealthy and his reach was vast. His mouth spewed > blasphemies, smoke, and falsehoods. His collection grew. > > The Ancients became disquieted again and they began to make noise on > the List - denouncing the dark one they called Kasper. War stirred. > > Destiny brought the Hagg and the Kasper together on Nullarbor Plain > and they fought for dominion over meteorites. The ground shook and > bolides shot the sky. > > In the end, the Hagg emerged victorious and the Kasper was cast down > into that infernal pit - eBay. The Ancients rejoiced and the List was > prosperous. > > But intrigues and machinations were afoot in the deserts of Mother > Africa, and the List would be caught unaware by a new tribe. > > > > Hereafter is the record of the Second Scribe : Sans Saharacis > > In time, while the Ancients were distracted by petrological > differences, a new tribe quietly arose in the desert dunes of > Northwest Africa. > > This new tribe was skilled in the arts of exchange, barter, blather, > and busk. And they used the desert peoples as their agents to comb > the dunes for meteorites. > > The new tribe would inspect the bounty of the dunes and select the > finest and the most exotic for inclusion in the great display case. > > In time, this new tribe became rich with meteorites and they became > known to the Ancients of the List, who greeted them warily but warmly. > > The new tribe had powerful names which were alien - Former, > Heeyoopais, and others such as Arnold Alpha, Arnold Omega, and > Cootingspam. > > The Ancients were then surprised by the great invasion wave of > planetaries, achondrites, anomalous irons and ungrouped carbos, and > hammers. > > Indeed, the Institutions themselves opened their arms and an orgy of > wicked exchange took place as great historical artifacts were ceded > for dune rocks. > > All was upset. Up was down, down was up, rare was common and Ancients > wept as their collections were topsie-turvied. The List rang with > laments. > > In their despair, the Ancients accepted this new tribe of > Quasi-Saharans and the great display cases swelled to new epic > proportions. A new age was born. > > >From their castles on high, the Former, the Heeyoopais and their > cohort took their place amongst the Ancients and dwelled with them, > and in time, ruled them. > > In time, the Hagg and his elder kindred (including the Gnew, the > Shoewade, and others) retired to the West Lands, out of time and reach > of normal List men. > > The Former and Heeyoopais grew more powerful. They spread mighei, > irons, kakangaris, enstatites, gao, and mangos in syrup. > > Indeed, the Ancients, Formers, Heeyoopais and their cohort unified > into one tribe - the Old School. For a time, there was prosperity. > > The Old School were mighty and they could walk with impunity in the > infernal lands of eBay and there they laid down their seed. > > Kasper laughing spread his wings.... > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-listReceived on Fri 12 Feb 2010 11:50:54 AM PST |
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