[meteorite-list] Matter Arising - Last Post
From: Peter Davidson <P.Davidson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 08:53:56 -0000 Message-ID: <D7171847AEFC6A4893D80C75E547E271010EF8C3_at_nmsmail02.nms2k.int> Dear Count and List Members Thank you for those kind words. A body like the membership of the MetList should be a rich tapestry of many colours and textures, and not a bland, boring monotone. There is a place for all people and voices - long may it continue. Can I also take the liberty of sending my greetings to your wife Joan. We Scots do get around. The village of Luss is on the shores of Loch Lomond, one of the most beautiful and famous of the Scottish lochs. It was also the setting for many years, and maybe Joan can remember it, of a Scottish Soap Opera called "Take the High Road". You should take the chance to visit and while you are here, feel free to pop your head round my door and say hello. I would be happy to see you and show you the museums collection - you only have to ask. Best Wishes Peter Davidson Curator of Minerals National Museums Collection Centre National Museums Scotland 242 West Granton Road Edinburgh EH5 1JA Phone: +44 131 247 4283 p.davidson at nms.ac.uk www.nms.ac.uk -----Original Message----- From: countdeiro at earthlink.net [mailto:countdeiro at earthlink.net] Sent: 11 February 2010 17:22 To: Peter Davidson; Meteorite List Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Matter Arising - Last Post Dear Peter and List Members, As I was the first Listee to post a negative observation of the sctivity depicted in the photos and at the same time identify myself as a teaching member of an organization that is quite often mis-characterized in the main stream media and the halls of academia, I was offended by the draping of a stereotypical coat about my shoulders. It is said that "if the coat fits, then wear it". In this case it does indeed fit as I really should have refrained from criticizing the photos on List and done it privately. I was relieved to read Peter's unnecessary mea culpa as he has earned and is entitled to the respect of all who are occupied and are infatuated with meteorites. This List would have been the lesser without his continuing participation. His "kids" and the National Museums Scotland - Mineral Collection are fortunate to have him as Curator. Scout's honor I will not post off topic. Sincerely, Count Guido Deiro IMCA 3536 P.S. Just one little aside, Peter. I am happily married these 42 years to Joan Marlene Colquhoun, a fair maid of Luss, who has prevailed in getting me to often visit your lush and beautiful land, enjoy the pipes, wear her tartan on occasion and eat haggis...me being an Italian! -----Original Message----- >From: Peter Davidson <P.Davidson at nms.ac.uk> >Sent: Feb 11, 2010 7:37 AM >To: Meteorite List <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >Subject: [meteorite-list] Matter Arising - Last Post > >Dear List Members > >When I posted my original message under the title "Matters Arising", I expected a big response and in that respect I have not been disappointed. I would like to thank every one of you that took the trouble to reply. There were a lot of interesting comments and quite a few suggestions, but I will keep it clean. >What did surprise me, and I don't know why it did, was the overwhelmingly positive response. I would say the between 90 and 95% was positive and supportive. Many of you replied off-list and I have tried to reply to each of you in a like manner, If I have missed anyone out, please forgive me but there are only so many hours in a working-day. >Following on from the critical messages, I would just like to publically apologise if I caused any offence. I was guilty of utilising some very crass, and inappropriate stereotypes - as a Scot, I am well aware of the many negative stereotypes that exist for us - and I should have used more considered language. This rankles particularly as I am always lecturing (or should that be hectoring) my kids about adopting stereotypes to categorise groups of people. Do as I say, not as I do! >I hope that with this message, we can draw a line under this topic and can I urge all list members to please, please, please keep your postings on-topic and on-message. > >Best Wishes > >Peter Davidson >Curator of Minerals >? >National Museums Collection Centre >National Museums Scotland >242 West Granton Road >Edinburgh >EH5 1JA >Phone: +44?131 247 4283 >p.davidson at nms.ac.uk >www.nms.ac.uk >? >? > >Meet Your Maker, the creative minds behind Scotland's crafts. National Museum of Scotland, 29 January - 14 March. www.nms.ac.uk/maker > >National Museums Scotland, Scottish Charity, No. SC 011130 >This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not the addressee please inform the sender and delete the email from your system. The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of National Museums Scotland. This message is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 and Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. No liability is accepted for any harm that may be caused to your systems or data by this message. >______________________________________________ >Visit the Archives at http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Meet Your Maker, the creative minds behind Scotland's crafts. National Museum of Scotland, 29 January - 14 March. www.nms.ac.uk/maker National Museums Scotland, Scottish Charity, No. SC 011130 This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not the addressee please inform the sender and delete the email from your system. The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of National Museums Scotland. This message is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 and Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. No liability is accepted for any harm that may be caused to your systems or data by this message. Received on Fri 12 Feb 2010 03:53:56 AM PST |
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