[meteorite-list] Dark Angel Falling

From: Darryl Pitt <darryl_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 19:30:04 -0500
Message-ID: <55C5103F-A114-43D2-8CA8-A89DC1010C82_at_dof3.com>

I take especial delight in answering the question below.

While these and perhaps similar projects were already in development,
Gene Shoemaker informed me that it was the extraordinary amount of
media accorded the meteorite section of the first natural history
auctions in '95 and '96 that tipped one of the projects into high
gear---which then tipped the other into high gear as well (I forget
which was which). Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer of Armageddon,
intimated the same thing "meteorites suddenly became hot" (and he
purchased some Gibeons from me for select cast members). Gene was a
consultant for at least one of the films and died in a car accident
before either was released.

For the first natural history auction, I recommended that Wayne Rosso
be hired as the publicist. I knew Wayne as the publicist for Crosby,
Stills, Nash and Young and Wayne pulled out the stops. There were a
dozen different television crews in attendance at the first auction--
which is to say nothing of the print journalists present--and the high
prices of meteorites made the international media...and fell onto
Hollywood's radar. Ironically, Wayne later became the CEO of Grokster
and one of the most hated men in Hollywood.

All best / d,

On Feb 1, 2010, at 4:33 PM, E.P. Grondine wrote:

> Hi all -
> Why were the films "Deep Impact" and "Armagedon" made? They were not
> imspired by the impact of Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 with Jupiter.
> It appears that after "Titanic", James Cameron was going to make
> "Dark Angel Falling", but "Titanic" went over in time, and "Dark
> Angel Falling" was cancelled. Its competitors "Deep Impact" and
> "Armagedon" did make it to the screen.
> By the way, Obama/Boldne/ Garver have propossed $16 million more per
> year for the NASA NEO detection budget. As $20 million per year is
> still $30 million per year short of the NRC middle option, we'll
> have to see what the NSF pitches in.
> The announcment of a new Jupiter/Direct initiative is expected
> tomorrow.
> E.P. Grondine
> Man and Impact in the Americas
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Received on Mon 01 Feb 2010 07:30:04 PM PST

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