[meteorite-list] meteorite inclusions

From: star_wars_collector at yahoo.com <star_wars_collector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 07:46:06 +0000
Message-ID: <1733024445-1281426363-cardhu_decombobulator_blackberry.rim.net-1829698756-_at_bda337.bisx.prod.on.blackberry>

The enigma stone is awesome, but not too surprising.
A howardite is made up of a certain amount of Eucrite and Diogenite mixed together.

I'm sure that there is likely several stones from howardite falls that might be similar.

The nwa 1929 strewnfield yielded both Eucrite and Howardite stones. Its not too far of a reach to think that there may well be stones that contain both, perhaps all 3 types that make up a howardite from that field.

A step further, I have a Eucrite that has portions that could be howardite, but the overall make up of the tested stone shows it to plot along the Eucrite line due to the total amount of diogenite (or lack of) in the material.

Almahata Sitta seems to be the classic "rubble pile" you read about. A mess of smaller material that has grown to form a larger mass over time.

I am willing to bet that its not uncommon at all to have a variety of material from a single fall. It would just depend on the region of the stone you sample.

I had a stone from the WI fall that had a different matrix then most others - less of the lighter inclusions, more darker material and what looked to be some areas of a mix of the light and dark material. It was not like that the entire stone... when we first started cutting, it looked like the "normal" WI stones.

That's the same thing that happened with my angrite. NWA 6291 is paired with NWA 2999 but looks nothing like it. The first few slices of it looked like what NWA 2999 looks like. Only after those few slices did the awesome anorthite and spinel content start showing up.

Hope everyone is doing good,
Greg C

Sent on the Sprint? Now Network from my BlackBerry?

-----Original Message-----
From: Melanie Matthews <miss_meteorite at yahoo.ca>
Sender: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 23:45:57
To: Barry Hughes<bhughes at sneezy.com>; <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] meteorite inclusions

Haven't heard of specifically heard of what you speak of.. Though not that long
ago the Hupes were selling complete slices of an NWA which was dubbed the
"enigma stone" - it had inclusions and even parts of howardites, diogenites,
eucrites and if i'm not mistaken... chondritic material also (all in one

Almahatta Sitta(sp) consists of urelitic and chondritic, though I wonder of both
were found in a single stone of that fall?

IMCA: 2975
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Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

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----- Original Message ----
From: Barry Hughes <bhughes at sneezy.com>
To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Mon, August 9, 2010 7:03:52 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] meteorite inclusions

Could one actually have a chondrite and a achonrite in the same rock?
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