[meteorite-list] X37B Orbital Bomber

From: countdeiro at earthlink.net <countdeiro_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 20:40:27 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <30187241.1272069627927.JavaMail.root_at_wamui-junio.atl.sa.earthlink.net>


I post because this unmanned orbital bomber uses passive meteor like weapons to destroy terrestrial targets at cosmic velocities. I was formerly Director of Aviation Facilities for the Hughes Tool Company in the late 60's and an old pilot friend with high field grade USAF and NASA connections sent the communication below.

The X37B using an Atlas V booster was sent up yesterday. I was told by another NASA type that five years ago somebody in the Pentagon responsible for USAF weapons development saw an "It Came From Outer Space" movie and got the idea to use man made impactors to destroy targetslike the errant asteroids in the movie. NASA had this hypersonic craft already under development, transferred it to the USAF in 2006, and re-engineered it to carry multiple impactors and guidance. Star Wars has arrived.

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536

I believe you are referring to the X37B reusable space plane that was launched on the 21st four hours after DARPA's Mach 20 Hypersonic Vehicle went up.
I'm not briefed in on either so can talk freely. However, it's like relating the contents of a letter I haven't read.
We have long needed something like the Global Hawk, but lingering in space and having additional capability; something that can take stuff up, maneuver while up there, place satellites, pick up satellites and move them or even bring them home. GPS and com satellites are a huge requirement as well as all the secret stuff that's required to be up there. Originally, the space shuttle was going to do these things but it never panned out.
Reportably the 37B will be capable of station times of 9 months or longer.
Don't see why it couldn't eventually stay much longer since they don't need to take a supply of M&M's to reward the navigators.
Also, there's the weaponization angle. From space, one only needs to hit a target: no explosive required.
A pound or so of depleted uranium dropped from space and goodbye battleship, building or whatever.
A hypersonic ball, dropped from space and landing on the centerline of Tehran airport would send a stark message.
A Mach 20 Hypersonic Vehicle could strike anywhere in the world without warning. On the test shot they are maneuvering hypersonic and that's just in the "Glide" phase. What is cleverly not said here is how fast was it going under power? They will complete the test by dunking it into the ocean at more than 13,000 miles an hour. A wet sponge at 13,000 miles per would hit like an atomic weapon. 13,000 mph = about Mach 17


Received on Fri 23 Apr 2010 08:40:27 PM PDT

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