[meteorite-list] Limerick contest winner
From: Martin Altmann <altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 00:37:54 +0200 Message-ID: <004e01ca0be6$38d8b3f0$177f2a59_at_name86d88d87e2> Soderla... Before it gets out of hand, quickly - here the poems of the little contest. Do we have to vote or can we directly announce Anita to be the winner? Best! Martin --------------- A meteorite once fell in Spain Avoiding the moist and the rain The hunters had fun Right under the sun As they had not gone there in vain This is what just came to my mind: Would like to invest in a find! I look at my purse My mood, it gets worse Must leave the idea behind.. Alex A meteor fell in Lost City T'was no one around, such a pity Except for a dog Who thought?it?a log And peed on the rock, oh how witty! There was an old lady from 'Bama Who was hit by a rock whilst in jamas The rock left a bruise It made all the news The rock is now known as a Hammer I hunt for meteorites from afar But don't try to track me by car The site's undisclosed So stick that up your nose And go hunting instead in Dhofar Anita Oh the meteorite hunter clan with metal detector in hand pounding the ground Walkin' all round luckily found a meteorite which fell down the treasure there lies in the sand fireballs are cool they make me drool so hard to find to make them mine the rocks they drop come from the top the rocks oh so rare they bring fan & fair to the people one and all and the world in which they fall A star which gives such pleasure becomes an Earthly treasure the knowledge that is sought by science and the lot is priceless in its measure Eric They found a rock from planet mars Which was then put in special jars Then cut in slices Probed with devices We now know more about the stars A fireball landed in West And some locals thought they were blessed Then a dog ?Hopper? Picked up a ?Whopper? I went and found one of my best As I look to the sky and see the light Hoping another to my collection When on display will get much attention Now it is turning green and getting bright And the sky looks like day instead on night I make sure I have enough protection And where it falls I will never mention After the landing a one of a kind With a shinny black crust there is the stone Quickly reach in my pocket for my phone While taking a picture ?what a find? Making the notes before starting to rome And thinking that soon I will not be alone The meteorite called Murchison Has Amino Acids therein Science studied it And had to admit >From space is how life did begin Greg S. A rock is worth more than a car If it has come from a star A shooting one aye That falls from the sky Is picked up and treasured Oh my I stumbled upon a huge rock Which was hardly a notable shock Then examined the same And determined it came Not from Earth But from realms I supposed are ad hoc Jerry 1. Some limericks about meteorites Not stamps or coins or stalagtites For a collector only knows Why he craves such curios It's other - world delights! 2. There once was an iron - Mundrabilla It's strength was that of a pillar But after one big explosion And much sulphide erosion It was left looking just like Godzilla! 3. From a place called Wolf Creek A meteorite we did seek To cut short the tale We found only shale And returned home all mild and meek! 4. There once was a stone - Millbillillie or was it the one - Milly Milly It looked much like Camel Donga But with iron no longer So that rusting was not willy nilly! 5. A stone called Camel Donga At Vesta 4 no longer It fell in a shower With almighty power Our collections are now that much stronger! 6. There once was a stone - Millbillillie It's name it sounded quite silly It got covered in dust With no rust on it's crust Some call it the black chantilly! 7. Out at Dalgaranga The 'roos they showed much anger For from out of the sky In the flash of an eye One was hit by a mesosiderite clanger! Keith 1. Hunters who are rated the best take time to teach all of the rest they seem to have fun with time in the sun and newbies whose lives they have blessed 2. When the big boys treat others so bad they deserve the sad title of cad they do entertain but cause much disdain that helps all of us not a tad 3. Meteorites are so unique for them we do eagerly seek when we find a few our spirits renewed keep us hunting them week after week Paul Science pokes at its rocks from the sky And measures them nice clean and dry But they fell in the dirt Got wiped with a shirt And now our jollies are all from fungi Marc There was meteorite called Hambleton, Twas' found by a track with some brambles on, but when kept in the dry, it's owners all cry, .. as all of their slices have rust on! There was a man from the west, Who swore his collection was best, Till it rolled down a hill, And came to a stand still , Now it's a strewn field like all of the rest! There was a certain hunter from Tuscon, Who found that his car had a bug on, Everywhere that he went, His location was sent, So now he can't find rocks before you-can! Mark Three scientists once stated in Perth That spacerocks do have a great worth. So they smoked a blunt And forbade any hunt. All stones they found then were from Earth. There once was a fall ?Buzzard Cooley? They promised export permits duly. We waited a year And start now to fear That maybe they spoke not so truly There is a young lady of Agadir, She shouts "All meteorites must stay here!" So no nomad went Anymore out of the tent And each scientist bitterly shed a tear. There are in London some shooters, Who called us all ?meteorite looters?. Though when they?re hunting alone, They can?t find a stone! Could they need some looters as tutors? I recently named my cat "Hopper" And prayed she may find such a whopper Of a rock from far space. But I felt in disgrace And she brought me a slag made of copper. Martin Old planet, circeling through space and time - The meteor impacts: Booooommmm. Matthias The once was a man from Peekskill, who chased every bolide with zeal He'd only find lunaites, and scoffed at mere chondrites So we put a bug on his automobile! The once was a man from Henbury, whom the Moroccans considered quite wary The rumor of the land, said he could find every rock in the sand And his collection was so big it was scary Mike G. Hickory, Dickory, Dock Please find the PA meteorite rock If we don't find it soon, I'll get a balloon to fly to the moon and all you mofos will be in shock Mike H. Time has come to find a met, told my mind, and you can bet on eBay was a real queen, after that my CC hasn?t been seen. So what you order, that you get.. Pekka There once was a man named Hankey, He looked like Alfalfa or Spanky, His meteoritical pic caused quite a stir, At first making doubters quite cranky, Then it turned out, To be real no doubt, And now on the List, He's no longer dissed, Instead he's been knighted Sir Hankey! Silently streaking sibilant bolide Hissing whistling radiophonic Crackling sonic boom The cricket chorus falls silent Then starts to resume Phil Across the night sky, a rock from from space it did fly Visible to many, and beautiful to all The very next question, "Where did it fall?" It had left a trail both bright and then dim Not doubt that finding its pieces would be far from slim Quickly a piece was found, and then a few more To join the search we flew out the door Across the desert surface many did hunt but finding none of our own all one could do was shrug shoulders and grunt Under a hot summer desert sun the mileage we covered were many but as for those pretty black rocks? most have not yet found any Richard there was a remarkable fall in Germany known by all Neuschwanstein so called fell in Bavaria, so told but Main Mass was found here in Austria after all :)) Stefan Received on Thu 23 Jul 2009 06:37:54 PM PDT |
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