[meteorite-list] Service Photo request.

From: Jerry Flaherty <grf2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 19:39:31 -0500
Message-ID: <8B7F3FA8BE9543A7AC0B9CBB8351CF54_at_ASUS>

----- Original Message -----
From: <rod at dunklee.net>
To: "Jerry Dunklee" <dunkleej1 at southernct.edu>
Cc: <sdunklee72520 at yahoo.com>; <american_meteorite_survey at yahoo.com>;
<americas at imca.cc>; "Michael L Blood" <mlblood at cox.net>; "bonnie"
<bonn9hrr at aol.com>; <bubbles0764040 at yahoo.com>; <clp at alumni.caltech.edu>;
"janice combs" <cherokee_lady_72433 at yahoo.com>; "mike crase"
<mike at kkountry.com>; "Mike Crase" <mikeradio2003 at yahoo.com>; "sarah d"
<sdunklee58 at hotmail.com>; "darren" <cynapse at charter.net>; "Jane Dawson"
<sexy_blue_eyes56 at yahoo.com>; "Ken Dunklee" <razor75 at juno.com>; "donald
Dunklee" <organicgrower at earthlink.net>; "jeremiah dunklee"
<jeremiah.dunklee at gmail.com>; "Tracy Dunklee" <tdunklee72520 at yahoo.com>; "Mr
EMan" <mstreman53 at yahoo.com>; "mineral enquiries"
<mineral-enquiries at nhm.ac.uk>; <falling_star_woman at sbcglobal.net>; "michael
farmer" <meteoriteguy at yahoo.com>; "Gerald Flaherty" <grf2 at verizon.net>;
"Mike Fowler" <mqfowler at mac.com>; "GeoZay at aol.com" <geozay at aol.com>;
"michael groetz" <mcgroetz at isp.com>; "Jeff Grossman" <jgrossman at usgs.gov>;
"Dave Harris" <entropydave at ntlworld.com>; "Charlie Hinds"
<quacker1014 at yahoo.com>; "Adam Hupe" <raremeteorites at comcast.net>;
<impactika at aol.com>; "jeremiah" <twistedfreak72520 at yahoo.com>;
<keith10067 at yahoo.com>; "david Kenefick" <dp.kenefick at verizon.net>; "kevin"
<kevindunklee at aol.com>; "randy korotev" <korotev at wustl.edu>; "Norm Lehrman"
<nlehrman at nvbell.net>; "Karen Lody" <karenl0204 at yahoo.com>; "howard Mclean"
<wyousmc495 at cs.com>; "mel" <melbalawson47 at yahoo.com>;
<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>; <meteorite at amsmeteors.org>;
<meteorite at kingsborough.edu>; "mom" <georgene60 at yahoo.com>; "Rick Moore"
<rickettanddianne at yahoo.com>; "Michael Murray" <mmurray at montrose.net>; "ken
newton" <magellon at earthlink.net>; <oneproudmom98 at yahoo.com>; "DAWN PERKINS"
<dperki1 at msn.com>; "tammy pollard" <tammy_pollard at hotmail.com>;
<ravenbeauty1 at earthlink.net>; <resumes at ozarkradionetwork.com>;
<rockgirlsrock at msn.com>; <rod at dunklee.net>; <ron at jpl.nasa.gov>;
<sgtsudol at yahoo.com>; "sheila" <emerald72512 at yahoo.com>; "Peggy Underwood"
<peggy at kkountry.com>; "us" <dunklee72520 at centurytel.net>; "David Weir"
<dgweir at earthlink.net>; "Jason Wood" <jasonwood at uslm.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 10:32 AM
Subject: Service Photo request.

> We are doing a salute to Veterans at Amy's school. Any chance either of
> you have a photo from your military service days that you could email to
> me?
> Hope all is well.
> Rod
Received on Wed 12 Nov 2008 07:39:31 PM PST

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