[meteorite-list] Michael Casper

From: Mark Grossman <markig_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 11:55:02 -0500
Message-ID: <005701c88918$cf226f60$6601a8c0_at_QED>

Is that true - Michael Caspar was curator of Cornell's meteorite collection?
Was he a dealer at the time, or a curator at an earlier period?

Anybody know who the present curator of Cornell's collection is, and for
that matter, how big a collection it is?


Mark Grossman

----- Original Message -----
From: "E.P. Grondine" <epgrondine at yahoo.com>
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Michael Casper

> Hi Mike -
> This is very sad to hear about. As near as I knew,
> when specimens from NWA began to appear, but before
> prices had really started to fall, Casper simply
> decided to get out of the business, liquidating all
> his holdings, a move which mystified many at the time.
> I did not know Casper had damaged so many dealers in
> doing so. Could you provide more details on the
> transactions? Did he return the meteorites he had
> contracted for, but not sold? Or did he simply decide
> not to take acceptance?
> Oh well, a sad end to Cornell's curator of meteorites.
> E.P. Grondine
> Man and Impact in the Americas
> >Michael Casper is a thief, criminal, and total
> >scumbag. He is like a virus that moves from business
> >to business, taking what he can, then leaving
> >overnight. I won a lawsuit against him, (have never
> >seen a dime yet) and when he left the business, he
> >left owing many people over $100,000. He got the
> >Russians alone for almost $70,000. He spent tons of
> >money when he was big, so dealers would sell him on
> >credit, he left and simply refused to pay them all at
> >the end. I know that he has done the same in coins,
> >now he has moved into solar energy.
> > www.caspersolar.com
> >This is a typical way that con-men operate, they come
> >in huge, do real business, then vanish overnight with
> >the money. Thank god he is gone from meteorites, he
> >was the biggest buffoon and damaged the market more
> >than anyone I know of. He loved to buy high and sell
> >low when he saw something else he liked more.
> >Michael Farmer
> Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page.
> http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs
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Received on Tue 18 Mar 2008 12:55:02 PM PDT

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