[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - June 4, 2008

From: Gibeon at aol.com <Gibeon_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 15:00:12 EDT
Message-ID: <c78.332a149a.3578403c_at_aol.com>

Hello Moni,

nice to hear from you.

Well, it is a simple story about this.

Some weeks ago in our german meteorite forum
_http://www.jgr-apolda.eu/_ (http://www.jgr-apolda.eu/)
this cast of the Krahenberg meteorite was offered from a person that needed
extremly fast some cash.
He was a scientist and worked on the original meteorite years ago.
I got in contact with him and we figured out this deal.
Normaly I am a meteorite collector and not so much interested in casts, but
the reason why I was personaly interested in this one is, that Krahenberg is
my hometown meteorite. Krahenberg is only 20 minutes by car away from me.
After I had the cast in my display I thought it would be nice to add some
photos around it from the original location.
For me personaly the most interested thing, was to be on the original place
where this phantastic meteorite hit the ground.

Best regards


Received on Wed 04 Jun 2008 03:00:12 PM PDT

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