[meteorite-list] (no subject)

From: Monika Kumlehn de Mamani <impaktnamen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 12:41:55 +0100
Message-ID: <20080102114155.151110_at_gmx.net>

Hello list,

a compilation (free download) of names of >meteorites, >impacts/craters, >bolides/fireballs, >tektites in the solar system is available at


The compilation shows the ubiquity of impact events in the whole solar system, displays the connexion of these events and preserves (compressed) palaeo-, doubtful und peseudo-events. You will find some ten thousands of names of impact events in the solar system (files caa to czz), some thousands of references (files eqa to eqz)and regional and chonological lists of terrestrial events (files an5, an6).

For supplements/corrections we would be very grateful.

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Received on Wed 02 Jan 2008 06:41:55 AM PST

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