[meteorite-list] More on "not the best place to hunt meteorites" thread

From: Michael Murray <mmurray_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 13:45:13 -0700
Message-ID: <8D5F16E5-D962-49F3-B7BD-A0538E3E1000_at_montrose.net>

Lasse wrote:

"Hi Michael

Nice find. It is a confirmed meteorite? It looks quite small, what's
the size?



Hi Lasse, List

No, not a confirmed meteorite as I just found it this morning, and as
stated, it is not authenticated. It is small, about 3/16" at the
longest. Still, I got a little pleasure out of finding it. Sorry
the picture is not the best when taken through the scope.

I wanted to post the picture hoping it would inspire others thinking
about the magnet hunting method for their special terrain and area.
I guess I would like to think by posting the information on magnet
hunting the other day that I have in some way helped the enthusiast
who really would like to be able to hunt in his/her area but who
lives in the "not the best place to hunt meteorites". Hope that
makes sense.

All the best,
Received on Sat 23 Feb 2008 03:45:13 PM PST

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