[meteorite-list] IMCA not a knight in shining armour !

From: Alexander Seidel <gsac_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 20:00:41 +0100
Message-ID: <20081215190041.12640_at_gmx.net>

Well spoken, Geoff - I fully agree to what you reasoned in
a very gentlemanly manner...

IMCA # 0042

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 11:18:56 -0700
> Von: Notkin <geoking at notkin.net>
> An: Meteorite List <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] IMCA not a knight in shining armour !

> Bob Walker posted:
> > I'd like to hear from other Listoids who have had "disagreements"
> > with IMCA - I'm beginning to take the view that there is a bad odour
> > to IMCA
> Dear Bob:
> It always upsets me when I hear someone grumbling about the IMCA, but
> thankfully that's a rare occurrence.
> No organization is perfect, but the IMCA is a wonderful example of
> what hardworking people can accomplish when they try to make their
> community a better place. It's easy to sit behind a keyboard and point
> fingers. It's a lot harder to actually get up and do something positive.
> Look at the current list of IMCA officers -- Dr. Larry Lebofsky, Anne
> Black, Peter Marmet, Jeff Kuyken, Andrzej Pilski, Martin Altmann,
> Sergey Vasiliev, Maria Haas, Norbert Classen. These people are not
> amateurs! They are some of the most respected names in our field and
> they give up enormous amounts of their personal time for no financial
> compensation in order to help steer the IMCA. The IMCA has established
> a set of ethical standards that members must adhere to and that's an
> excellent step forward as there have been quite a few out-and-out
> crooks selling in our field over the past decade. An IMCA logo on your
> website or eBay page tells prospective buyers that you are known by
> your peers to be a reputable seller.
> I have a suggestion for you: If you want to know what really goes on
> in the IMCA why not volunteer? They can for sure use the help and you
> will have the opportunity to discover for yourself how these good
> people are helping to improve the meteorite collecting world.
> Geoff N.
> www.aerolite.org
> IMCA #4242
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Received on Mon 15 Dec 2008 02:00:41 PM PST

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