[meteorite-list] Evans and Court Judgments.
From: Steve Schoner <schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 19:29:51 GMT Message-ID: <20081214.122951.29987.0_at_webmail02.dca.untd.com> Hello all, After reading this, there might be some recourse. I am not a lawyer-- but in the case of a civil judgment, in some states one can put a lien on all or or any of his personal titled property. Try "fixing his wagon" by first putting a lien on his transportation. It won't affect him immediately, but if he tries to sell his vehicle... The lien will show up-- He can't transfer title till the lien is satisfied. And if so, all his claimants can just pile the liens on. Steve Schoner Message: 6 Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 10:16:27 -0500 From: "al mitterling" <almitt at kconline.com> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Crusted Zagami, L3 Conglomerate To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Message-ID: <8E6D633437BD4B7592BD4BD9C002A95F at StarmanPC> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=response Greetings List Members, It seems that a certain member in bad standing that continues to want to advertise here who has cheated a number of unsuspecting members by both not returning money to them after promising to do so and also misrepresenting meteorite types as something rare when they are not. A number of these victims wrote to me to thank me for posting my first email message about him. Here are a few of the list archives indicating there are serious problems with this creep. You can also go here to see for your self a number of the problems that have been posted over the list for a number of years. http://www.google.com/custom?q=bob+evans&domains=six.pairlist.net&sitesearch=six.pairlist. net&sitesearch=&sa=Search+the+Archives I must warn the list of Bob Evans as well. I was supposed to receive a $125 refund from Bob over a month ago and I still have not received my money back, nor have I recieved a response from him after several email and phone call attempts. Well, I checked his Ebay history a few days ago and noticed that he had placed a $1500 bid on a meteorite not too long ago, yet he cannot afford to return my hard-earned money back to me? Never again! I warn everyone else not to do any business with Bob Evans. His unprofessionalism is a joke. Ryan Well, Bob Evans just called me after reading my email to the list and he was pissed-off as I had expected he would be.. nearly shouting at me through the phone line. It doesn't look like I wil be getting "a penny back" from him, so it looks like I'll have to use alternate routes to get my money back. Sorry to everyone else who has to read this, but his reaction to the situation is unacceptable. By the way Bob....I'm 22 years old, not 15 as you had asked me during our brief phone altercation this evening. See you in Tucson next year... I'm sure everyone will be giving you a warm welcome. Ryan Bob Evans its another Cosmicvisitors alias Brad Sampson...sent money no material, useless excuses aside the mailbox not go etc..... Mauro Daniel McCartney and List, Doesn`t a theft of goods totaling a sum of 4,000+$ constitute a Felony in Texas? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061122154905AAnQ0ts Thank you McCartney for your post to the list. Sincerely, Dirk...Tokyo mccartney <mccartney at blackbearddata.com> wrote: As a member of IMCA, I feel it my duty to warn other meteorite buffs to avoid entanglements from questionable persons. On June 24, 2006 I posted to the list as a courtesy that I had been the victim of a fraudulent trade with Bob Evans. This is the rest of the story... After a year of trying to resolve the issue, it took me many more months to conclude that he just wasn't going to respond. I sent emails, Ebay emails, registered letters and confirmed delivery letters, with no response from Mr. Evans. He had my piece and he wasn't going to finish the trade. I sued Bob Evans in Williamson County, Texas Court. It went to court on October 19, 2006. Small CLaims suit #060094. He apparently tried to avoid being served his lawsuit by the Will County Sheriff, but they served him successfully. He did not respond to the suit, nor did he show in court. He lost by default and now has a judgment of $4,800 against him. He now joins Mr. Casper in the hall of Shame. Its my character flaw to be an overyly trusting guy. I have traded with people from South Africa to West Texas, Poland to Alaska. Never had a problem. On the whole the average meteorite fan is a fair, wholesome, science loving, respectable person. I encourage all of you to trade with your peers on this list, but do a little homework on your partner first to weed out the Caspers and Bob Evans's. Last word, the meteorite community is a small sand box - Remember to play nice. -mt IMCA 2760 Yes, there was a lawsuit against Bob Evans brought by me. It was in > regards to a trade that was partially done, where I sent material and only > received a partial trade, then Evans went quiet. No contact for many > months. Eventually, I posted about it and received many replies that he > has done this before. His modus operandi is usually to go quiet and not > communicate. Which is what he's doing now. He did not show in court, I > received a default judgment by the judge. > Evans did not appeal and a judgment was issued. I spent the money to have > the judgment filed in Illinois and a lien filed against his house. At this > time he can not purchase or sell, or inherit real property until the > judgment is paid. It is collecting 8% interest at this time. > If I recall my contract law correctly, selling NWA junk as Zulu Queen > would be 'Misrepresentation' as well as Unjust Enrichment. Selling Zulu > Queen that he didn't know was NWA junk is simply 'Mutual > Misunderstanding'. Good luck in proving he had prior knowledge it was NWA > junk. > This is a small sandbox we play in. Play nice. McCartney Taylor Dear List, This is a public warning to Bob Evans to stop using the NWA 1110 and NWA 1877 designations and meteoritelab descriptions. I filed a blanket complaint claim with ebay and found out that it is considered fraudulent to use lab numbers that do not apply to your samples. It is also against the law to steal copyrighted descriptions. It took me weeks to explain to ebay what is involved with getting numbers assigned to NWA meteorites. I will start pulling the trigger soon on this kind of fraud starting with Bob Evans. If ebay gets too many complaints the meteorite subsection might be reconsidered (eliminated). That is why I am posting this message publicly to avoid continued contact with ebay. Here are two of the many fraudulent auctions Bob Evans is involved in: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3239&item=2287562058&rd=1&ssPageNam e=WDVW http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3239&item=2287562068&rd=1&ssPageNam e=WDVW Consider this warning to edit your numbers and descriptions to reflect the truth or I will report this fraud to ebay when I return tomorrow. My attorney gave me the green light to start pursuing these cases and I will exercise my options. Wishing everybody else the best, Greetings List, I could go on and on and post dozens if not more posts on people having trouble with this thief but it would be counterproductive to our discussion here. I feel I have done my part to warn people of this creep and if you don't take the advise of this email and the emails of others who have, had trouble with this criminal then we'll await to see your post on the trouble you are having by thinking this is some kind of a joke. Best wishes to all! --AL Mitterling ------------------------------ Message: 7 Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 09:35:37 -0600 From: "Bob Evans" <bobe5531 at comcast.net> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Crusted Zagami, L3 Conglomerate To: "al mitterling" <almitt at kconline.com> Cc: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com Message-ID: <000601c95e01$9d5c9b40$0201a8c0 at yourae066c3a9b> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=response Al, Never heard of Mauro Daniel. Sent money, no material ? Thats a joke. Look at my feedback. A clown like this doesnt even know who he dealt with Ryan is a little self centered brat who blew off a deal with me. McCartney and I had a deal go bad that we are to this day trying to reconcile. Misrepresent ? Never ! NWA 1110 - Adams efforts to comletely control certain areas of the market. As for you Al, You never bought a single item from me, have you? So if you have a problem with me I suggest that you take it up with me face to face and stop hiding behind that monitor you little P***Y ----- Original Message ----- From: "al mitterling" <almitt at kconline.com> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 9:16 AM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD - Crusted Zagami, L3 Conglomerate > Greetings List Members, > > It seems that a certain member in bad standing that continues to want to > advertise here who has cheated a number of unsuspecting members by both > not returning money to them after promising to do so and also > misrepresenting meteorite types as something rare when they are not. A > number of these victims wrote to me to thank me for posting my first email > message about him. > > Here are a few of the list archives indicating there are serious problems > with this creep. You can also go here to see for your self a number of the > problems that have been posted over the list for a number of years. > > http://www.google.com/custom?q=bob+evans&domains=six.pairlist.net&sitesearch=six.pair list.net&sitesearch=&sa=Search+the+Archives > > I must warn the list of Bob Evans as well. I was supposed to receive a > $125 refund from Bob over a month ago and I still have not received my > money back, nor have I recieved a response from him after several email > and phone call attempts. Well, I checked his Ebay history a few days ago > and noticed that he had placed a $1500 bid on a meteorite not too long > ago, yet he cannot afford to return my hard-earned money back to me? Never > again! I warn everyone else not to do any business with Bob Evans. His > unprofessionalism is a joke. > > Ryan > > Well, Bob Evans just called me after reading my email to the list and he > was pissed-off as I had expected he would be.. nearly shouting at me > through the phone line. It doesn't look like I wil be getting "a penny > back" from him, so it looks like I'll have to use alternate routes to get > my money back. Sorry to everyone else who has to read this, but his > reaction to the situation is unacceptable. By the way Bob....I'm 22 years > old, not 15 as you had asked me during our brief phone altercation this > evening. See you in Tucson next year... I'm sure everyone will be giving > you a warm welcome. > > Ryan > > Bob Evans its another Cosmicvisitors alias Brad Sampson...sent money no > material, useless excuses aside the mailbox not go etc..... > > Mauro Daniel > > McCartney and List, > Doesn`t a theft of goods totaling a sum of 4,000+$ constitute a Felony in > Texas? > http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061122154905AAnQ0ts > Thank you McCartney for your post to the list. > Sincerely, Dirk...Tokyo > > mccartney <mccartney at blackbearddata.com> wrote: > As a member of IMCA, I feel it my duty to warn other meteorite buffs to > avoid entanglements from questionable persons. > > On June 24, 2006 I posted to the list as a courtesy that I had been the > victim of a fraudulent trade with Bob Evans. This is the rest of the > story... > > After a year of trying to resolve the issue, it took me many more months > to conclude that he just wasn't going to respond. > > I sent emails, Ebay emails, registered letters and confirmed delivery > letters, with no response from Mr. Evans. He had my piece and he wasn't > going to finish the trade. > > I sued Bob Evans in Williamson County, Texas Court. It went to court on > October 19, 2006. Small CLaims suit #060094. He apparently tried to avoid > being served his lawsuit by the Will County Sheriff, but they served him > successfully. He did not respond to the suit, nor did he show in court. > > He lost by default and now has a judgment of $4,800 against him. He now > joins Mr. Casper in the hall of Shame. > > Its my character flaw to be an overyly trusting guy. I have traded with > people from South Africa to West Texas, Poland to Alaska. Never had a > problem. On the whole the average meteorite fan is a fair, wholesome, > science loving, respectable person. I encourage all of you to trade with > your peers on this list, but do a little homework on your partner first to > weed out the Caspers and Bob Evans's. > > Last word, the meteorite community is a small sand box - Remember to play > nice. > > -mt > IMCA 2760 > > Yes, there was a lawsuit against Bob Evans brought by me. It was in >> regards to a trade that was partially done, where I sent material and >> only > >> received a partial trade, then Evans went quiet. No contact for many >> months. Eventually, I posted about it and received many replies that he >> has done this before. His modus operandi is usually to go quiet and not >> communicate. Which is what he's doing now. He did not show in court, I >> received a default judgment by the judge. > >> Evans did not appeal and a judgment was issued. I spent the money to have >> the judgment filed in Illinois and a lien filed against his house. At >> this time he can not purchase or sell, or inherit real property until the >> judgment is paid. It is collecting 8% interest at this time. > >> If I recall my contract law correctly, selling NWA junk as Zulu Queen >> would be 'Misrepresentation' as well as Unjust Enrichment. Selling Zulu >> Queen that he didn't know was NWA junk is simply 'Mutual >> Misunderstanding'. Good luck in proving he had prior knowledge it was NWA >> junk. > >> This is a small sandbox we play in. Play nice. McCartney Taylor > > Dear List, > > This is a public warning to Bob Evans to stop using the NWA 1110 and NWA > 1877 designations and meteoritelab descriptions. I filed a blanket > complaint claim with ebay and found out that it is considered fraudulent > to > use lab numbers that do not apply to your samples. It is also against the > law to steal copyrighted descriptions. It took me weeks to explain to ebay > what is involved with getting numbers assigned to NWA meteorites. I will > start pulling the trigger soon on this kind of fraud starting with Bob > Evans. If ebay gets too many complaints the meteorite subsection might be > reconsidered (eliminated). That is why I am posting this message publicly > to avoid continued contact with ebay. Here are two of the many fraudulent > auctions Bob Evans is involved in: > > > http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3239&item=2287562058&rd=1&ssPa geName=WDVW > > > http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3239&item=2287562068&rd=1&ssPa geName=WDVW > > Consider this warning to edit your numbers and descriptions to reflect the > truth or I will report this fraud to ebay when I return tomorrow. My > attorney gave me the green light to start pursuing these cases and I will > exercise my options. > > Wishing everybody else the best, > > Greetings List, > > I could go on and on and post dozens if not more posts on people having > trouble with this thief but it would be counterproductive to our > discussion here. I feel I have done my part to warn people of this creep > and if you don't take the advise of this email and the emails of others > who have, had trouble with this criminal then we'll await to see your post > on the trouble you are having by thinking this is some kind of a joke. > Best wishes to all! > > --AL Mitterling > > ______________________________________________ > http://www.meteoritecentral.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list ____________________________________________________________ Free information on becoming a Graphic Designer. Click Now! http://thirdpartyoffers.mybluelight.com/TGL2341/fc/PnY6rzHYgwIksLSy77EdGldySm6AEoIWLzKe8yAH6q4f0mUSGkOFO/ Received on Sun 14 Dec 2008 02:29:51 PM PST |
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