[meteorite-list] another new argentina fall??
From: mexicodoug at aim.com <mexicodoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 15:53:08 -0400 Message-ID: <8CA6FA4F1CD1DA5-1508-164_at_FWM-M41.sysops.aol.com> Hi Sonny, Not that much more news other than I already posted unless this is of help. It is a very large fall though only small fragments are being reported: * These are the approximate coordinates of the 700 gram piece reported by the Agricultural Engineer Gabriela from the Nursury. Sorry if they are off by a couple of meters: 31 Degrees 54'38.68" South 58 Degrees 19'50.76" West * It is clear that hundreds (more like many thousands) of pieces fell in the surrounding population of Berduc in the Entre Rios municipality. Several in Berduc (hundreds of meters from the Nursury where the "largest" piece was found) complained of their roofs being pelted with a hail of tiny black rocks. * One residence in Berduc spoke about their experience (her name was withheld by the report), I'll paraphrase the woman who had about 25 grams of fragments with fusion crust, for you: "We felt an illumination and it surprised us, but, we didn't pay that much attention, it might have been a car to it and kept watching television. But the thing is, a little while later, we felt the piece [hit]. I would say um, one... right away...I'd say about five minutes just after the illumination; we looked out the windows and we didn't see any clouds, no lights, no vehicles, nothing. Like who would throw rocks? We went outside and turned on the outside light. Well, we didn't want to go outside, we stayed inside, one always avoids doing that at night. We thought was was that? but we stayed inside well, kept watching television and we were there along while. Then we left it like that, we didn't hear anything else, we did nothing but we were left with that thought- what could that have been? Well today in the morning right when we got up, the first thing we did was go see was that was that rock, the dog was on his leash, and we said, what?, the dog we took to look, then I told my grandson, so go up on the roof, something happened on the roof last night, maybe a rock, and thats how it went, he climbed up on the roof, and he found these, little pieces of this. Later, he began to look like he's looking now to see if there were more pieces that were bigger, since for us it was a larger piece that (shook?) the window. This [rock with the burnt rind] is something new for us. We're going to keep looking. It was about 10:00PM, I don't know the exact time, maybe five minutes to ten [at night 6 April 2008]. * The Astronomical Association of Entre Rios started the search within two hours after the fall led by 29-year old Mario Peter Coordinato of the Astronomical Association who did an first rate and outstanding job with three co-members, without sleeping or even eating, interviewing, etc., tracking down the fall in the first hours through the night aftwer the bolide report at 10:03PM. He did such a good job at documentation!!!!!!!!!! * The Astronomical Association led by president Luis Trumper in an excellent documentary gave a long, interesting and entertaining presentation on the importance of meteorites in the study of the Solar System. The documentary was of equal or better (!) quality than any I have seen anywhere in the world. He should be heartily congratulated. He said says after the initial two day search, that they don't have resources to spearhead the search for more, but of course they'll be back to look for more. He affirmed that the job is now in the hands of the National Guard/Border Poilce force and other official government police organizations. * The fall is very close to the border [12 kilometers from the above coordinates, to be exact] and was observed in Uruguay, also. Gonzalo Tancredi, the IAU member from the University of the Republic of Uruguay who led the dumping of Pluto's Planetary by arguing it had been wrongly classified for the past 75 years, intends to go on a expedition to look for some pieces, too. * The event created quite a spectacle in the media including a news helicopter, but strangely not many more pieces than the original 5 are being reported (though it is obvious many are in the hands of the locals). It has been a great event orchestrated by the Astronomical Association in coordination with locals, local government officials, the National/Border Guard and federal police forces and media throught the region and capital. * No photos of the 4-5 second 10:03PM bolide creating the meteorites have been confirmed in the first week or so, so far. * It is a stony meteorite, somewhat fragile, fragmenting easily, possibly with shock veins, that moderately attracts a regular magnet. So far there are two institutions who want to analyze the meteorite. I think they are: * Centro Austral de Investigaciones Cient?ficas, CONICET, Argentina * Another University group in Spain oes this help ;) Best wishes and Great Health, Doug -----Original Message----- From: wahlperry at aol.com To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com Sent: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:13 am Subject: [meteorite-list] another new argentina fall?? Hi All,? ? Any more news on the new fall?? ? Sonny? ? www.nevadameteorites.com? ______________________________________________? http://www.meteoritecentral.com? Meteorite-list mailing list? Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com? http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list? Received on Fri 18 Apr 2008 03:53:08 PM PDT |
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