[meteorite-list] What started it all?
From: Michael Gilmer <michael_w_gilmer_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 17:51:22 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <838361.9609.qm_at_web58414.mail.re3.yahoo.com> Hi folks! I got started with the purchase of about 10 grams of NWA 4293 from a list member. I chanced across this list member's sale by accident while combing the web for antique astronomy books (which I also collect, but am now focused on meteoritics books). The little ziploc full of typical desert polished little H6 pebbles cost me $5. When they arrived in the mail, I was like a kid at Christmas. And I still recall the first time I held a rock from space. It was such a thrill to understand the fundamentals of the science behind it and not just say "wow it's a shooting star" and put it in a drawer-full of knick knacks and forget about it. Having always been attracted to astronomy, telescopes, and stargazing, the jump to meteoritics seemed natural and long overdue. I cannot imagine why I waited until last fall to purchase my first meteorite and get started in the hobby/field. Now I am focusing on building a nice personal collection of good provenance and doing some wheeling and dealing to offset the costs of cultivating my collection. But my real interest lies in the science and "practice" of meteoritics. I have little academic credentials and none in any of the related fields of meteoritics, but I have a keen desire to learn identification, classification, and conservation/preservation techniques for long-term "archival" storage. My wife and I also plan to travel the US in a RV, combing strewnfields, chasing bolides and stargazing from the darkest skies in the nation. While my personal collection has grown tremendously, my curiousity about meteorites grows by leaps and bounds. My poor suffering wife is subject to endless conversations about tektites, the UNWA market, etching, prevent oxidation, acquiring this or that meteorite book, etc, etc, ad-nauseum. ;) My mind is on various aspects of meteorites and meteoritics all day long and I dream about bolides and strewnfields. To further my meteorite madness, I have joined the Meteoritical Society as of 2 days ago and I look forward to being a midget amongst giants there who can perhaps learn via osmosis. Right now, my wife and I are full-time caretakers and are not free to travel - so I am concentrating on my personal collection, reading the literature, and learning all I can about meteoritics in anticipation of a life-long obsession. My thanks to this list for sparking that indirectly and continuing to nurture my learning. :) Regards from swampy Louisiana, MikeG --------------------------------------- on 4/10/08 8:40 AM, Eric Wichman at eric at meteoritewatch.com wrote: > This is a two fold Statement/Question. It could mean "What started it > all! referring to my meteorite collection and adventures, or it could > mean something way more profound than my insignificant little > explanation... I'll leave it for you to decide. > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com Received on Fri 11 Apr 2008 08:51:22 PM PDT |
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