[meteorite-list] Ad Rare fall for sale/Tree smasher

From: Mike Jensen <meteoriteplaya_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 11:35:01 -0600
Message-ID: <6f9da8300705291035u44a321e5ke342983ed6176121_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi all
I am offering some small pieces of a really unusual and older fall. It
is Meester-Cornelis which fell June 2, 1915 in Indonesia. This is an
exceptionally hard to get fall because the main mass has been
lost...well sort of. I was told that the main mass was stored in a
museum in Indonesia in a jar filled with oil. When it was removed the
meteorite turned to sludge. These are not pieces of sludge but instead
whole fragments. So the total repository weight for this one is less
than 500 grams.
I also found a fascinating story about its fall and subsequent
recovery. Please read the story I have included below.


<My translation from Marco Langbroek's text from above page>

In the early morning hours of 2 June 1915 around 6.30 AM local time,
in the village Duren Sawit, the sound of detonations were accompanied
by the fall of a 24.75 kg stone. A witness who after hearing the
detonations, a Mr Tajim and his son Siama, went outside and found a
meteorite only 11 meters away from their house. They observed that the
meteorite had demolished the branch of a tree and excavated a 1 meter
deep and 35 cm wide crater. The crater location became, for very short
time, a place of pilgrimage where the local population brought
sacrifices to the meteorite, until the meteorite was confiscated the
next day by an authority from Meester-Cornelis. The sound of
detonations has been heard for a distance of 12 km. The angular
character of the stone shows that there must be more fragments to be found.
The suggestion in the 'Catalogue of Meteorites' (M. Grady 2000) that
the fall had possibly taken place on 2 August is incorrect. According
to L.J.C. Van Es (1918), who personally visited the fall location on 3
June 1915, the June 2 date is correct. The meteorite is a stone
meteorite, chondrite from the H group with petrologic grade 5
("ordinary" chondrite with high iron quality and high degree of

M. Grady (2000), Catalogue of Meteorites (5th edition), Cambridge
University Press.

L.J.C. Van Es (1918), Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch
Oost-Indi? 47, 21-40.

I have several crumbs all in gel caps.
One fragment lots 0.015g, 0.032g, 0.037g
Two fragment lots 0.017g, 0.029
Multi fragment lots) 0.033g, 0.043g, 0.068g
$1500 per gram.
For now I am going to limit your purchases to two lots per individual.
If you want more let me know and I will let you know if there are any
left over after the sale is finished.

Mike Jensen
Jensen Meteorites
16730 E Ada PL
Aurora, CO 80017-3137
IMCA 4264
website: www.jensenmeteorites.com
Received on Tue 29 May 2007 01:35:01 PM PDT

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