[meteorite-list] Spreading the faith...

From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 23:23:57 -0500
Message-ID: <jklk539f3r77gvm8f4icvdopnkjv3u4i5l_at_4ax.com>

...Of meteorites. I had an evangelical moment this week. I have a nicely
crusted piece of 869, around 23 grams, about the size and shape of a pinky
finger, that I thought was a good shape/size to wear. So I drilled a hole near
the top and threaded it onto a lanyard, and wear it whenever I'm out of the
house. So I'm at the garden center of Home Depot asking a employee a plant
question, and she asked me about the rock (which I wan't even thinking about)
and I gave her the mini-sphiel on meteorites. She asked reasonable questions
(are the black on the inside, too) and seemed suitably impressed. Had a similar
event a few months back with a talkative guy in a hospital waiting room. He was
browsing through a recent issue of Popular Science with a cover story on
asteroids, so I showed him a chunk of an asteroid that I had in my pocket (I
wasn't just happy to see him). Turns out, he had seen a segment on meteorite
hunters on TV just a couple of days ago-- I don't remember which segment, but
I'm sure it was one about one of the list members.

Just thought I'd vent.

Apropos of nothing, here's a couple of oldies but goodies to keep in your
critical thinking toolkit:


Received on Mon 28 May 2007 12:23:57 AM PDT

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