[meteorite-list] Call to check unclassified collections for the "Perfect Chondrule"
From: STARSANDSCOPES at aol.com <STARSANDSCOPES_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 21:09:53 EDT Message-ID: <c9b.10edb76b.33824b61_at_aol.com> Hi List, April Meteorite Times, Meteorite of the Month was titled "Perfect Chondrule" I wasn't saying I had found it. I had found a meteorite that had all the types and sizes I could think of and I wondered what would the perfect chondrule look like. The emails I received referred to this material as the Perfect Chondrule and the name stuck. We (Paul and I) have just posted nearly 100 images of this material to my micrograph Gallery. Go to Features and the "Perfect Chondrule" http://www.meteorite.com/meteorite-gallery/meteorites-feat_frame.htm They are broken into categories including a group of photos of the whole stones. Some of you may of seen the images of some interesting chondrules on the Coast 2 Coast site. Those images were of this material. The reason I am posting is this material was plentiful (I think) in recent Moroccan unclassified batches. I saw plenty that I did not buy. In fact, it was so ugly and weathered looking on the exterior, I was disappointed when I got stuck with an other piece. After cutting and examining some, I started seeking it out and have acquired about 30 Kg. I think this may have been a big find and I was wondering if any list members are sitting on huge (or small) piles of it. Maybe we could get an approximation of how big the find was. I have sent a few samples to be classified and I am not suggesting self pairing but this material is so distinctive in appearance in both the interior and the exterior, I think it would be interesting to hear what some of you have to say. A couple of additional features are plentiful armored chondrules, VERY low magnetic attraction, and when cutting/polishing the run off is black and not brownish red like most. Last thing, has any one recently classified what looks to be the same material. If you have a pile of weathered recently acquired Moroccans, look at the photos and check your collection. Tom Phillips ************************************** See what's free at http://www.aol.com. Received on Sun 20 May 2007 09:09:53 PM PDT |
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