[meteorite-list] WHINNER OF CAMPO

From: Mr EMan <mstreman53_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 22:39:45 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <203963.30468.qm_at_web51008.mail.re2.yahoo.com>

Good question and here is the analysis! It makes
perfect sense if you know the history. There are many
new folks that haven't had the "fortune" to have lived
through a long history of the Chicago Swindler and his
dealings. This is yet another of a long line of
examples about how he doesn't EVER keep his word about
ANYTHING he says on the list. The claim that he only
got 30 emails is dubious. The claim that he got 22 is
a bit more believable and largely represents the
novices that have joined the list since the last bait
and switch coming out of Elgin.

The only thing one can firmly rely on is that he will
say one thing but do something else. The "generosity"
of this person can not be taken at face value-EVER. If
you are waiting for an explanation from the source, it
will probably consist of "a claim of innocence", that
he is "profoundly sorry", "will never do it
again"-NOT, "this is unwarranted persecution" and he
is "not hurting anyone, so stop harassing him"--oh yes
and "it is a free country!" I hope this saves anyone
else the trouble of seeking an explanation.

I hope this case in point helps dissuade others from
future participation in these
"contests-give-a-way-swap-:wire fraud:-thing-ies"


PS: The "caps" apparently prevents his browser
settings from inserting those bogus hypertext links so
I can live with the caps.

--- GREG LINDH <geeg48 at msn.com> wrote:
       Hello Steve,

    I'm not sure how your "give aways" work. In your
first e-mail, you wrote that the 40th person to e-mail
you would win a Campo. If I understand your latest
e-mail, you only waited until you reached 30 e-mails
and then you terminated the contest prematurely and
you awarded the Campo to e-mail #22 because he offered
you a trade.
Received on Fri 18 May 2007 01:39:45 AM PDT

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