[meteorite-list] Suspect Seller?

From: Bill <glixard_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 16:47:38 -0800
Message-ID: <527E1B83F86.00000786glixard_at_inbox.com>

Hi Trace,

I appreciate the warnings. I think everyone should point out everything suspect every time they choose to do so. Equal time and respect is all it amounts to.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: temetnosce at shaw.ca
> Sent: Tue, 15 May 2007 17:37:52 -0700
> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Suspect Seller?
> As a novice I would like to say that I appreciate it when people point
> out
> fraudulent ebay listings. It gives me a chance to see more meteor wrongs
> so
> that I will be better informed when I make my purchases.
> I may not buy $6000 items but the pictures are worth more than that to
> me.
> Trace
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bill" <glixard at inbox.com>
> To: "Jason Utas" <meteoritekid at gmail.com>
> Cc: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Suspect Seller?
>> This is just another old beat up issue.
>> Lurking novices don't buy 6,000 dollar unknowns. They buy worthless
>> micros
>> from guess who.
>> Many have been chastised for bothering the list with obvious ebay
>> scammers.
>> No attack was made. An opinion was expressed in a fact of the matter
>> way.
>> Met-list is not a podium for a selected few. The so called innocent
>> lurkers that need to be saved should hear all points of view and the
>> best
>> thing that we could ever have here would be a greater participation by
>> everyone.
>> Bill
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: meteoritekid at gmail.com
>>> Sent: Tue, 15 May 2007 16:11:02 -0700
>>> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Suspect Seller?
>>> Hello Ken, Bill, Mark, All,
>>> Ken's message just informed 600+ people that there was a fraudulent
>>> seller on ebay.
>>> Ben's post told 600+ people that *he* was fed up with reading other
>>> peoples' posts about fraudulent sellers.
>>> This is one of those cases where I would have to say that, without a
>>> doubt, Ken had every right to post his message, and you had no right
>>> to tell him off, Bill.
>>> Even if you don't care to read posts about suspicious/fraudulent
>>> sellers, posts such as Ken's obey all list rules, and perform a
>>> service to novices who may be lurking on the list (or scanning list
>>> archives on google), hoping to find information on what and what not
>>> to buy.
>>> If you don't like reading them, delete them, and if you get fed up
>>> with a single person's posts, by all means, block them or filter out
>>> there posts through selective email scanning (most email services have
>>> this sort of feature) - but don't post personal attacks to the list
>>> like you just did, because posts such as that are actually in direct
>>> violation of list policies.
>>> All talk must be meteorite-related and non-combative, at least with
>>> regard to pointed statements such as "Are you bored to death?"
>>> It's simply uncalled for. If you don't like posts such as this, and
>>> feel a need to respond, please do so privately (and, I hope, politely
>>> in the future).
>>> Bill, the person you mentioned in your message, Matteo, came onto the
>>> list while I was here and has come and gone a few times since then.
>>> He was blocked a few times for posting private messages to the list
>>> and using...inappropriate language.
>>> People may have gotten onto his case for posting ebay warnings, but I
>>> believe that they actually did so because of his warnings pertaining
>>> to the classic 'Nigerian scam' postings that everyone seems to get
>>> (They're so easy to recognize in general, that people get annoyed when
>>> warned of such things.)
>>> ...That, and he's an easy target - people on this list seem to get
>>> into a frenzy when someone who's not too eloquent or perhaps not a
>>> native English speaker comes on and posts...it's sad, but even true
>>> meteorite enthusiasts with good intentions get beaten up on here; it's
>>> just a fact that hasn't changed in, well, the nine years I've been on
>>> here.
>>> Sorry this goes out to the list, but I do think it has something to do
>>> with list policy in general - perhaps attacks could become a little
>>> less...prolific.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jason
>>> On 5/15/07, Bill <glixard at inbox.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> This list is for everyone. I don't comment all that often. When I do
>>>> it's
>>>> for a good reason. Ken knows what I'm getting at. All the points you
>>>> made
>>>> are accurate. I think the mix of personalities here makes for an
>>>> interesting
>>>> forum. I hope I didn't offend you but if I did, change things.
>>>> Incapable of grandstanding,
>>>> Bill
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: mark at annasach.net
>>>> Sent: Tue, 15 May 2007 22:37:48 +0100
>>>> To: glixard at inbox.com
>>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Suspect Seller?
>>>> Hey Bill,
>>>> What is it with some of the people on this distribution? According to
>>>> the
>>>> met-list About, this is...
>>>> "...with over 600 members, the best place to get information on rocks
>>>> from
>>>> space!"
>>>> I'm old on astronomy, and newish on meteorites. I joined thinking I'd
>>>> "get
>>>> information on rocks from space". As for Ken's post (I don't know the
>>>> man)
>>>> - it's useful to get a feel for the kind of scams that are around.
>>>> I'm
>>>> not
>>>> stupid, but I can be misled.
>>>> What's the primary purpose of this group, nowadays, in reality? Is it
>>>> for
>>>> dealers? Mainly dealers, with collector/lurkers hoping to get an
>>>> inside
>>>> tip? Or just a place for the Old Boys to ignore or beat up the new
>>>> guys?
>>>> As a new member, I can honestly say that it's certainly not an open
>>>> and
>>>> welcoming community. Most hobbies try to encourage beginners -
>>>> proponents
>>>> want to share their knowledge, wonder and passion about their
>>>> interests.
>>>> This kind of BS can only serve to put people off the whole hobby.
>>>> So I guess I'll be flamed for this - off-list is fine, but I suppose
>>>> there's
>>>> more grandstanding to be done by posting on-list. :-\
>>>> Mark
>>>> Bill wrote:
>>>> Hi Ken,
>>> Are you bored to death? I am. A lot of list members have been
>>>> reamed out for posting these ebay warnings. Matteo comes to mind.
>>> Please
>>>> stop. If we want your opinion we'll join the imca and view it on your
>>>> invaluable website/s
>>> Bill
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Received on Tue 15 May 2007 08:47:38 PM PDT

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