[meteorite-list] Nasa, CAMPO DEL CIELO

From: Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 22:28:48 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <206167.31450.qm_at_web33108.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

This is a pretty pathetic story. It says that "NASA
wants to preserve the invaluble Campo del Cielo
craters because the soil is very similar to the soil
of the Martian surface. "We will never understand Mars
unless we preserve the craters at Campo del Cielo and
study them".
Um......., I am not a scientist, but somehow I do not
think that the farmland and swamps at Campo is in any
way similar to the surface of Mars, and weathered
craters that are virtually non-existant at Campo del
Cielo will in no way have anything at all to do with
Mars study. It also states that Campo sells for $3.00
gram on the internet, so we can thus assume anyone who
owns a campo is now a multi-millionaire
To me the article is not that interesting since it is
so full of idiotic statements like that.
Michael Farmer

--- Armando Afonso <armandoafonso at oniduo.pt> wrote:

> http://axxon.com.ar/not/156/c-1560334.htm
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Received on Fri 11 May 2007 01:28:48 AM PDT

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