[meteorite-list] Space junk re-entry just misses Chilean jet liner

From: dean bessey <deanbessey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 15:16:18 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <108701.30166.qm_at_web56106.mail.re3.yahoo.com>

--- Chris Peterson <clp at alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
 Odds are, this thing actually
> burned up many
> kilometers above the plane.
> Chris
The pilot also claims to have herd a loud noise which
means it must have been pretty close to hear that
above the sound of the plane. Also he saw pieces in
front of and behind him so he was probably actually
inside the debris field.
Apparantly the aviation officials (CAA) in New Zealand
was informed by the russians about the space debris
dumping which is a relitively common occurance here
apparantly but the debris entered the atmosphere 12
hours early for some reason and planes were in the
area. An aerolinas argentinas flight was also entering
the area (From the opposite direction) and was warned
of the unexpected re-entry but the pilot decided to
continue their flight and they didnt witness anything.
The flight was inside auckland internationals control
zone but still over the pacific ocean (From what I
understand from local news here) so the debris fell in
the ocean so no search and recovery effort is

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Received on Thu 29 Mar 2007 06:16:18 PM PDT

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