AW: [meteorite-list] Encyclopedia of Meteorites
From: Martin Altmann <>
Date: Sat Sep 23 06:16:35 2006 Message-ID: <004201c6def9$56f66890$4f41fea9_at_name86d88d87e2> I don't understand this discussion at all. (o.k. - I know, that some will think, that it's no wonder...). Pierre did an incredible good job in that short time, opened up a mighty database, a comfortable tool, for collectors, who don't want to waste their time, in learning how a computer works, to categorize and to manage their collections, gives hundreds and thousands of pics, even a search engine, if one is looking for buy the locales on ebay and endless webspace for everyone - and all for free! Compare e.g. what the Metbase costs and there you have also to register. Those, who thinks, that it is to inconvenient to register and to log in, as it's common which each silly forum in web, Well just don't do it. Weir did a great job, supplies the community with a perfect comprehensive systematics of meteorites, better than any printed book in circulation, where you'd had to pay 100 bucks and all always updated. Again - all for free. If he wants to keep away the parasites of plagiarism, then it his good and legitimate right. If you don't like it, that you can't copy from his page or that you have to type by hand, just let it be, don't use his page. Regelman did also a fine job. If you can't live with the rules of the other places, use his information. If you don't like these pages, just make it better, invest hundreds and thousands of hours to built up your own pages. All 3 did a very remarkable job and they don't ask for their services a charge! Remember those scientific article data bases, where you have to register too and in many cases, where you have to pay a fee for each set of data, you want to watch. That's some of them want to protect their intellectual property or the data of their users, there I see no problem. Cheers! Martin -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Pel? Pierre-Marie Gesendet: Samstag, 23. September 2006 11:53 An: MeteoriteList Cc: Betreff: [meteorite-list] Encyclopedia of Meteorites Hello List, you're right Ken, your website is free and has no registration. You spent thousands of hours on it and you did a fantastic job. Your new classification pages are great and I recommend it to all List members. Now to compare ARN website with my website : - ARN website has no pictures. I have over 6,000 pictures, several videos and sounds, PDF files... - ARN A to Z has less information than my database - ARN website is free but is also a sales website (mine is not, I don't make any advertising about my own sales website) - ARN website has no search engine. Mine is a really powerful search engine (you can for example search french meteorite falls, L6, fallen between january 1900 and october 2002, with multiple pieces...) - ARN website doesn't allow people managing their collection (that's the main reason why I ask registration) - ARN website doesn't provide the most updated information (I have a file for Moss, and for new indian falls). I work with the Meteoritical Society to provide the best information and even speak about pseudometeorites. My 2 cents Pierre-Marie PELE ___________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Mail r?invente le mail ! D?couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r?volutionnaire. ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list Received on Sat 23 Sep 2006 06:16:29 AM PDT |
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