[meteorite-list] Encyclopedia of Meteorites
From: Pelé Pierre-Marie <pierremariepele_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Sep 23 05:56:04 2006 Message-ID: <20060923095306.39796.qmail_at_web23009.mail.ird.yahoo.com> Hello List, you're right Ken, your website is free and has no registration. You spent thousands of hours on it and you did a fantastic job. Your new classification pages are great and I recommend it to all List members. Now to compare ARN website with my website : - ARN website has no pictures. I have over 6,000 pictures, several videos and sounds, PDF files... - ARN A to Z has less information than my database - ARN website is free but is also a sales website (mine is not, I don't make any advertising about my own sales website) - ARN website has no search engine. Mine is a really powerful search engine (you can for example search french meteorite falls, L6, fallen between january 1900 and october 2002, with multiple pieces...) - ARN website doesn't allow people managing their collection (that's the main reason why I ask registration) - ARN website doesn't provide the most updated information (I have a file for Moss, and for new indian falls). I work with the Meteoritical Society to provide the best information and even speak about pseudometeorites. My 2 cents Pierre-Marie PELE ___________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Mail r?invente le mail ! D?couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface r?volutionnaire. http://fr.mail.yahoo.com Received on Sat 23 Sep 2006 05:53:06 AM PDT |
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