[meteorite-list] Fwd: AD [brmeteorites_list] List 38
From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Oct 23 19:03:39 2006 Message-ID: <20061023085550.98083.qmail_at_web53211.mail.yahoo.com> Dear List, Here is Blaine Reed`s latest offerings. If you are interested in receiving his lists directly please contact him. Thank you. Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo brmeteorites <brmeteorites_at_yahoo.com> wrote: To: brmeteorites_list_at_yahoogroups.com From: "brmeteorites" <brmeteorites_at_yahoo.com> Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 19:14:43 -0000 Subject: [brmeteorites_list] List 38 Blaine Reed P.O. Box 1141 Delta, CO 81416 Ph/fax: (970) 874-1487 ?E?E?E?E?E?E?E?E?E?E?ELIST 38?E?E?E?E?Ect 17, 2006 Here are a few nice items that I found left from the show (plus a couple just sent to me). I had too little of any of these to bother with putting them on my mailed list (being prepared now ?Eshould be out in about a week). OUM DREYGA, Western Sahara: (H3-5). Fell October 16, 2003. Tkw = about 17kg. This is what the meteorite we had been calling Amgala was officially catalouged as. The fall was witnessed by Moroccan soldiers stationed in Western Sahara. It fell near a 670 km long wall built in 1985. A number of pieces were recovered right after the fall and are very fresh. Some were recovered later, after a rainstorm, and show some rusting. The fact that the area is heavily mined and guarded by soldiers makes it amazing that any got out at all. These 3 pieces are likely from the first recoveries. They are very fresh (only slight hints of rust spotting on the broken surfaces) showing a nice light interior (the 38g piece has a nice breccia texture as well) and very black crust. Very nice pieces for a stone that celebrated its 3rd birthday in Earth's harsh environment yesterday (and not likely stored with any particular care where it was in Morocco until recently). 1) Fragments as found. a) 24.9 grams?E28mm x 26mm x 20mm?E.$125.00 ?Eabout 50% crust b) 38.8 grams?E40mm x 30mm x 25mm?E.$190.00 ?Eabout 70% crust c) 84.1 grams?E49mm x 43mm x 27mm?E.$400.00 ?Eabout 70% crust TEXAS CHONDRITE GRAB-BAG: Miscellaneous Texas chondrite end pieces. Art Ehlmann at TCU sent these up to me to see if I could do anything with them. These are all small (about 10g to about 40g) end pieces of things that were found in their cutting room. We do not know what these meteorites are (likely things like Davy (a), Travis County, Tulia, Dimmitt, and some I probably have not seen before), so they are being offered up as cheap "Texas stone end pieces". I will try to sell the bag as a lot first, but let me know if you want just a piece or a couple pieces, as I will break the lot up if they don't sell as a group (price will be $1/gram this way). 240.3 gram bag of end pieces (15 pieces) - $180.00 WELLMAN (f), Texas: (H3.5). Found 1999, recognized 2004. Tkw = 18.5 kilograms. This is really nice stuff. It shows lots of metal and chondrules (they don't leap out at you, but there are lots when you look closely) in a fairly dark gray/green matrix. McCartney Taylor just sent me these pieces. He didn't get a chance to polish them, and I have not been able to either ?Eit is windy, raining and cold outside right now (has been for quite a while, and will be for at least another couple days). I will be happy to polish these for any buyers. There will be a little weight loss, but not much, McCartney's saw makes a very smooth cut. All in all, this is one of the nicest meteorites (particularly considering its price for a named fresh H3) I have had recently. 1) Slices: a) 27.7 grams?E?E6mm x 40mm x 5mm?E..$125.00 b) 69.3 grams?E?E7mm x 67mm x 5mm?E..$310.00 c) 73.6 grams?E?E5mm x 70mm x 5mm?E..$330.00 NWA (801), Morocco: (CR2). I purchased a fairly large piece (nearly a kilo) of this at the show that I had planned on cutting up to sell as slices. I love this stuff and have been trying for a long time to get a bunch to offer (it really is not so easy to come by). But, a collector just had to have this large one as it was (It was probably one of the largest recovered pieces after all). This left me with only these few pieces to offer here, and me looking for some thing else to put on my mailed list. 1) 6.1 gram bag of fragments (mostly individuals actually), about 6 pieces - $100.00 2) 12.5 gram end piece 30mm x 15mm x 12mm - $250.00 ?Elots of metal. 3) 16.9 gram individual (no fresh breaks) 45mm x 15mm x 12mm - $330.00 ZAKLODZIE, Poland: Ungrouped enstatite meteorite. Found September 1998. Tkw = 8.68kg. This is strange stuff, it really is unlike anything else. It kind of reminds me of the pieces of the real Acapulco I had years ago, showing lots of (fairly large) metal grains in a granular matrix. The difference, of coarse, is this being an enstatite it has a very light (mottled pale tan to nearly white) matrix. This, like Acapulco, is likely a true primitive achondrite, having the composition of a chondrite, but clearly a re-crystallized texture. Not cheap stuff, but I plan to keep a piece for myself. 3.47 gram slice (cut sides)?E.24mm x 20mm x 2mm?E..$350.00 __._,_.___ Messages in this topic (1) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic Messages Change settings via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest | Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Group | Yahoo! Groups Terms of Use | Unsubscribe Visit Your Group SPONSORED LINKS Meteorite Meteorite dealer Meteorites for sale Meteorites perfume Yahoo! News Music News Get the latest music news now Business News Hot Headlines Get localized news for your area. Y! GeoCities Share Your Resume Show off your talent and skills. . __,_._,___ -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/attachments/20061023/42bfdff6/attachment.htm Received on Mon 23 Oct 2006 04:55:50 AM PDT |
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