[meteorite-list] AD: Fwd: [brmeteorites_list] List 37
From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Oct 11 01:38:17 2006 Message-ID: <20061011053514.79453.qmail_at_web53214.mail.yahoo.com> Dear List, I am forwarding this sales list to for metlist members that are unaware of Blaine Reed and his sales. Blaine offers meteorites at very reasonable prices and is one of the most reliable of all dealers. You may subscribe to his list by contacting him. Thank you. Dirk Ross...Tokyo The Estherville is sold. > Blaine Reed > P.O. Box 1141 > Delta, CO 81416 > Ph/ Fax (970) 874-1487 > > Dear Collectors, > Here are a few items from the Denver show. As > usual, I spent too > much, but didn't seem to come home with a whole lot > new. Everything is > definitely starting to cost a lot more now (even NWA > 869 now costs 3 > or 4 times as much as I was paying a couple years > ago). This is partly > due to the dollar loosing value against other > currencies, and largely > due to the finders and suppliers starting to realize > that the supplies > are getting thin now (at least compared to a few > years ago). I will > have a mailed offering eventually, but it will be > delayed from usual > (I usually have one out by now), as much of what I > picked up is > waiting for cutting and polishing and some items are > needing a few > finishing touches on the research work. I will post > these items here > as well once the mailed copy is on its way. In the > mean time, here are > a few interesting things for you to consider. > > DAVY (a), Texas: (L4). Found 1940. Tkw = 51 > kilograms. > Here are a couple nice solid end pieces. The smaller > has a Monig > number painted on it. These are really decent > pieces, probably the > nicest I've seen of this fairly old chondrite. > 1) End pieces: > a) 72.9 grams?E..70mm x 50mm x 15mm?E$100 > b) 355.0 grams?E75mm x 48mm x 45mm?E$350 > > DAR AL GANI (476), Libya: Martian, Shergottite. > Here are a couple nice slices of what has always > been one of my > favorite Mars rocks. This is solid material (no > worry of it crumbling > apart if you want to touch it) and the texture/ > color is neat ?Eblack > crystals scattered in a distinctly jade-green > matrix. These are also > very reasonably priced for this stuff these days. > 1) Slices: > a) .538 grams?E?E4mm x 9mm x 1mm?E..$295 > b) 2.174 grams?E..25mm x 21mm x 1mm?E$1100 > > BRAHIN, Belarus: (Pallasite). Found 1810. > Here is an actually nice piece I picked up for > someone, but can't > remember who it was that wanted such a piece (not a > usual customer ?E> what I get for having an overloaded desk, and not a > uniform spot to > keep track of notes). I got this some months ago and > did a quick clean > up on it (yes, as most Brahins, this had some rust, > but only a small > amount) and let it sit, hoping the party that asked > me to find one > would call back. No luck on that, so I am offering > this to the rest of > the world now. I'll find another piece if the > original person does get > back in touch with me (I suspect they already found > a piece to satisfy > their needs, which is why I have not heard back). > This still looks > good, but should be stored under desiccant (I'll > send some along with it). > 144.3 gram part slice?E..85mm x 45mm x 9mm?E.$215 > > ESTHERVILLE, Iowa: (Mesosiderite). Fell May 10, > 1879. Tkw = 318kg+ > This is a nice little block that shows a good mix of > silicates and > metal (about 50/50). It had been purchased by the > owner (a consigned > specimen) for making into thin-sections. The high > amount of metal did > not allow this to happen, so it is being offered as > it came. It could > be split into two (three if you have a wire saw) > nice thinner pieces > quite easily. > 11.4 gram slice/block?E25mm x 15mm x 7mm?E.$90 > > FUKANG, China: (Pallasite). Found 200. Tkw = about > 1000kg. > Here is a wonderful slice of this beautiful > meteorite. This has only > one cut edge and a nice mix of metal and olivine > (very large > crystals). A great display piece of this usually > expensive stuff. > 34.6 grams?E.80mm x 35mm x 4mm?E.$400 > > > VACA MUERTA, Chile: (Mesosiderite). Found 1861. > Here is an end piece that came in as part of a small > collection I > picked up at the show. It is nothing really > exceptional, but it does > show a reasonable amount of metal for this meteorite > and does have > quite a few nice inclusions. It also comes with two > labels, one > generic and one old Michael Casper label. > 64.3 gram end piece?E..45mm x 35mm x 25mm?E?E150 > > > > > > Received on Wed 11 Oct 2006 01:35:14 AM PDT |
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