[meteorite-list] (no subject)
From: Michael Farmer <meteoritehunter_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat May 20 20:49:38 2006 Message-ID: <20060521004935.AF8748D623_at_mailwash5.pair.com> I just received this from Armando. It seems that he is a "Pirate" just like me. He owns a kilo of Ourique in his private collection! Can you all believe that, they guy has been all over anyone who takes meteorites, yet he is immune to his own hatred. So typical of these nutjobs. Mike Farmer "The stone was an offer of the land`s owner. I could not refuse it, this is a different situation. Obviously I will let you alone. You are a rude person. AA? Citando Michael Farmer <meteoritehunter_at_comcast.net>: > Then why dont you forget about this and leave me alone? > > You own a piece of Ourique? You mean it is in private hands, and not > donated to a museum? When why am I a thief and you are not? Received on Sat 20 May 2006 08:49:32 PM PDT |
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