[meteorite-list] Kendleton Meteorite; Port Arthur, Texas NPA
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Mar 10 15:53:22 2006 Message-ID: <BAY111-F1F50CDB7E3E817D79F20CB3ED0_at_phx.gbl> Hello, I had a request for Kendleton NPA's. This is the only one I have recovered so far, and I do not think I have posted it yet....so here it is. Dr. Ehlmann once mentioned to me that Monnig collected NPA's, so it is likely that the Monnig files contain other NPA's related. Mark Paper: The Port Arthur News City: Port Arthur, Texas Date: Wednesday, May 3, 1939 Page: 1 (of 20) FOLKS HERE SAW METEOR FLAME BUT DENY ITS TAIL SPELLED OUT 'HITLER' OR 'WAR' The tail of that meteor east Texans saw in the evening sky at dusk Tuesday did not spell out any message in letters, according to the Port Arthur residents who told The News they had seen it. But so prominent was it, that thousands in this area must have seen the fiery red ball that dropped toward the western horizon. Drawling, apparently, upon their imaginations, many persons said they could see "words" spelled out by the fall as it hung in the sky 10 minutes or longer. Seen Over Wide Area Persons in Beaumont, Houston and Galveston reported seeing the meteor to the west-southwest, indicating, because it was seen in the same place by so many people scattered over so large an area that it must have been hundreds - perhaps thousands - of miles away. An Associated Press dispatch from Houston related a large variety of symbols seen in the meteor's tail by the imaginative, "War," some said, was written plainly. Other things reported seen were "Hitler," "1918" and the nazi swastika. A Townsend planner saw "$200" as plan as day. "Sort of Splashed Out" But Mrs. L. Gautreaux of 2401 17th street, who observed it with her husband, discounted all such reports. "It was like a ball of fire," she told The News, "like a shooting star," and it sort of splashed out. But the tail lasted surely 10 minutes, first making a line like a pencil mark. Then it broke into (Turn to page 13, column 5) Paper: The Port Arthur News City: Port Arthur, Texas Date: Wednesday, May 3, 1939 Page: 13 (of 20) METEOR Continued from Page 1. pieces, something like letters, but I couldn't tell what it meant. From Mrs. Gautreaux's home, the meteor appeared to be over the Texas Company plant. Not Seen At Weather Bureau The weather bureau station here said the phenomenon had been reported by several persons, but that none of its observers had seen it. Part of the (AP) story from Houston follows: The size of the meteor was described as being twice as big as a full moon. Various sounds were heard. Some felt the meteor must have been near because they claimed they could hear it hissing. Residents of Houston Heights said it was so near the earth that some of them ducked as it passed over. Dust Fell On Trees? The thing made such a bright light roosters crowed. Dust settling on trees, some claimed, sounded like birdshot falling. Joe King, amateur astronomer, said it must have been at least 500 miles from the earth because the tail and the meteor were visible so long. As for the hissing and the thunder and the messages in the sky, King said they were purely imaginary. (end) Clear Skies, Mark Bostick Wichita, Kansas http://www.meteoritearticles.com http://www.coinandstampman.com http://www.imca.cc http://stores.ebay.com/MeteoriteArticles PDF copy of this article, and most of those on my website, are available upon e-mail request. The NPA in the subject line, stands for Newspaper Article. The old list server allowed us a search feature the current does not, so I guess this is more for quick reference and shortening the subject line now. Received on Fri 10 Mar 2006 03:53:09 PM PST |
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