[meteorite-list] Red Rain

From: Rob McCafferty <rob_mccafferty_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Mar 7 10:27:58 2006
Message-ID: <20060307152754.49053.qmail_at_web50902.mail.yahoo.com>

Having taken a look at the many posts highlighted so
far I gave this abstract a thorough look through


It all seems very strange and if it did come from a
meteorite/comet, 60 days precipitation would be
consistent with particles of this size falling from
30km to about 6km. The general pattern of the fall of
the red rain is interesting too though I find it
unreasonable to expect high altitude winds may be so
light and consistent for so long.

I just wonder why a radar report for the area isn't
available for the morning of the "sonic boom". I know
worldwide records of the upper atmosphere are kept
24/7. Maybe I missed it.

More importantly, the claims are that this red stuff
come from a comet do not seem to explain where the
rest of the comet went. One may reasonably assume that
the "cells" and some of the cometary particles would
be of similar size. Why then, is there no trace of
anything else in the rain? The abstract clearly states
that the rain was dust free.

I really would like to know what happened here and I
too am puzzled why they still can't tell us after 4
and a half years

Rob Mc

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