[meteorite-list] Norway Meteorite Impact Site Believed to be Found
From: Sterling K. Webb <sterling_k_webb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jun 14 10:19:26 2006 Message-ID: <002f01c68f44$f62d2660$30714b44_at_ATARIENGINE> Hi, Doug, I still can't find the actual reference but it was a paper by Aviva Brecher long ago. Oddly enough, there's not much materials testing on meteorites (maybe because it's destructive testing!), but John S. Lewis reports on ten irons which yielded crush strengths of 2.7 to 4.2 kiloBars (Gibeon was 3.2 kiloBars). This scarcely more than achondrites (2.5 to 4.0 kiloBars). Wrought iron (or a mild steel) measures 7.0 kiloBars. Cretaceous igneous rocks from Greenland average 4.5 kiloBars, for example. Terrestrial rock is stronger than iron meteorites, in other words. Crushing strength of stone once very important. Why is the Washington Monument the tallest stone structure ever bult by man and probably the tallest that ever can be built? You go up much further and the load on the lowest trace of stones exceeds the crushing strength of the stone. Bad news. You couldn't built it out of iron meteorites -- too weak. Even so, the other problem is that tall stone structures tend to sink straight into the Earth because they exceed the crushing strength of the crustal bedrock. Whoops! That's why the Washington Monument sits on a 140-foot cube of the hardest granite known to man, which you never see, but which that big stone plaza around the Washington Monument is the top of! I love good engineering... Sterling K. Webb -------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: <MexicoDoug_at_aol.com> To: <sterling_k_webb_at_sbcglobal.net> Cc: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:04 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Norway Meteorite Impact Site Believed to be Found Hola Sterling, >Turns out meteoric iron is often weaker than igneous >rock while terrestrial iron is like, well... like iron! That is an interesting idea you have (and of course has nothing to do with temperature). On-the-surface, the crystalline structure giving rise to the Widmanstatten, and other figures, does seem like it could introduce planes of cleavage, especially when oxidation starts along the interfaces, but as sexy as a thought as that might be (and limiting to planar-'seeded' fractures) I'll definitely look forward to your posting on the issue not have an opinion until at least I read what you and that link have to say on this subject subject of iron meteorite brittleness. What is ringing and resonating in my ear as I type this, though are thoughts of the Tucson Ring and no shortage of other meteoritic irons like Zacatecas (1969 )in history that have be favored to be used as anvils specifically for their superior properties vs. other materials when struck with a hammer. Also the arduous chiseled inscription on the iron meteorite La Morita (apparently dating back to at least 1821) comes to mind: "Only God with His power --- this iron shall destroy --- because in this world there won't be --- another who can undo it." So field evidence and the difficulty of even meteorite hunters getting a piece of iron to take home as a specimen might be at odds with that... OK, here's the link you asked for: _http://www.diogenite.com/met-temp.html_ (http://www.diogenite.com/met-temp.html) Remember the meteoroid shield failure (not due to a strike) of Skylab in the mid 70's? Here is another link for fun, related to the coldness of space (NOT) for those who forget we have a Sun in the neighborhood and why skylab could reach 165 deg C: _http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4208/ch14.htm_ (http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4208/ch14.htm) _http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4208/ch14.htm#t3_ (http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4208/ch14.htm#t3) (actually all the links provide a great primer coat for thermal control in space:-) Extracted from the link text: "The power shortage drew most attention at an evening press conference; little was said about an even more serious problem, the apparent loss of the micrometeoroid shield. No one was particularly worried about damage from a meteoroid strike, since the chances of a hit were slim. i But the shield's secondary function, thermal control, loomed large in the aftermath of the launch. The shield had been designed to keep the workshop on the cool side of the comfort zone, heating being easier than cooling. The outside of the shield was a black-and-white pattern designed to absorb the desired amount of heat. The inside of the shield and the outside of the workshop were covered with gold foil, which regulated the flow of heat between the two. It was an admirable system as long as the shield stayed in place. Without it, the gold coating on the workshop would rapidly absorb excessive heat, making the interior uninhabitable.4 The shield had failed to deploy at the scheduled time and subsequent ground commands had no effect. While officials were debating further action, Saturn engineers discovered flight data indicating an anomalous lateral acceleration about a minute after liftoff. The data, coming just before the space vehicle reached its maximum dynamic pressure, suggested some structural failure. A short time later, workshop temperatures began rising, strong evidence that the shield was gone. Within a few hours, readings on many of the outside sensors exceeded 82?C, the maximum scale reading. Internal temperatures moved above 38? C. Working from the thermal model, Huntsville engineers figured that workshop temperatures would go as high as 77?C internally and 165?C on the outside, endangering food, film, perhaps even the structure itself. Mission Control therefore began maneuvering the exposed area out of direct sunlight, and some cooling occurred.5 Saludos, Doug Received on Tue 13 Jun 2006 07:56:17 PM PDT |
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