[meteorite-list] Dear friends, I am back.

From: Mike Fowler <mqfowler_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Jun 2 21:53:04 2006
Message-ID: <C52A345E-35F5-4381-B8B1-F8C28276D66C_at_mac.com>

Welcome back Armando Afonso.

The purpose of this list is to exchange useful information about
meteorites, not insults!

I'm sure if you keep that in mind, you won't need a helmet!

Mike Fowler

> For unclarified reasons, my posting to this list is allowed again, and
> without the need of another email adress for each new message!
> Thanks!!!
> I promise to behave properly, now. I will absorb each insult and
> publicity
> of the predators, without making waves.
> I have my helmet, too. Fire.
> AA
Received on Fri 02 Jun 2006 03:38:20 PM PDT

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