[meteorite-list] re: Upcoming "meteorite hunt" based movie

From: star-bits_at_comcast.net <star-bits_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jul 30 12:15:48 2006
Message-ID: <073020061607.2299.44CCD958000A8893000008FB22007348409C9B070DD39D0E9B9C_at_comcast.net>

<Darren Garrison wrote:

> It is a fantasy novel (and movie) and not quite realistic as
> to what goes into finding a meteorite after seeing a bolide (for instance, in
> the movie, the meteorite looks like this
> http://images.43things.com/profile/00/01/b9/113094xl.jpg)

Marco Langbroek Wrote:

Well....(assuming you were not mistaken with the URL); I'd actually GLADLY ad
this "meteorite" to my collection for that matter...


Showed the photo to my wife and asked her if I could add that meteorite to my collection. Her reply was "I don't think so. Not as long as I am alive" Too bad text does such a bad job with the tone of a sentence. ;-)

Eric Olson
Received on Sun 30 Jul 2006 12:07:52 PM PDT

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