[meteorite-list] Off-Topic: My wife is always right!

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jul 30 12:11:59 2006
Message-ID: <DIIE.00000050000009D3_at_paulinet.de>

"If you do this, I find it hard to believe you will not find your
 item accordingly. Of course, I could be wrong, my wife often tells
 me I am."

.. so does mine! :-)

Rule #1: Your wife is always right!
Rule #2: ... and if she isn't, then rule #1 applies.

.. somehow reminds me of my first BASIC program:

10 Print "My wife is always right!"
20 Goto 10

Bernd :-))
Received on Sun 30 Jul 2006 11:08:47 AM PDT

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