[meteorite-list] AD: 25% OFF ALL EBAY BUY IT NOW ITEMS
From: dean bessey <deanbessey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jul 22 06:38:18 2006 Message-ID: <20060722103815.6177.qmail_at_web56105.mail.re3.yahoo.com> Adam you are so full of it that you are not even thinking strait. I have no idea what you are talking about. You certainly have some facts screwed up because I have never made a 1000 kilo meteorite sale in my life. Your head is so glue filled that even your math is awry. Lets see, I sold 1000 kilos of meteorites at 12 cents a gram and got $50,000. I must have went to a different school than you. Or maybe sniffed a little less glue. You should check your grade four math before you dream up whiskey filled stories. Also, I have never ever said or told anybody that I was going out of the meteorite business. Yes, I did slow down for a while last year after leaving canada, going travelling for 6 months and then being slow getting things up and running again. And I did sell of a lot of inventory before I left Canada. But anybody who bought 200 kilos of meteorites from me always knew I could get them more (And usually do). As usual your dreamed up stories is as hole filled as the fraud you generally use when you sell new meteorites as being more scientifically important than they really are (Which you usually do). And I wonder who I sold 1000 kilos of meteorites to? Thats a new one on me as I have never sold 1000 kilos of meteorites in one shot in my life (And have never had a single $120,000 deal). Go have another shooter and leave everybody alone DEAN --- Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_comcast.net> wrote: > Dean, > > You are wrong as usual. A simple apology for your > misinformation is all that > is required. I think you must have huffed too much > paint fumes as a kid or > were dropped on your head one too many times if you > think I am from Florida > or that I care for Jack Daniel's. > > Why is it that you will not go to Tucson, anymore? > Could it be that you took > three List Members for $50,000? Do you remember your > bogus going out of > business sale? I am sure most List Members do, talk > about a scam. You sold a > 1,000 pounds of meteorites for 12 cents a gram > stating this is all you would > ever have because you were going out of business. > You showed pictures of > crusted material but supplied tier five material > instead. You then used the > money to buy a 1000 pounds more, sell it a few weeks > later for 5 cents a > gram in Germany showing complete disregard for your > fellow dealer with false > promises. The dealers you burned sure remember and > I clearly remember > hearing about it first-hand for months. > > It is simple, Dean. Stop lying and we will stop > exposing you. By the way, > the permit from Oman is real. You insult our German > friends who obtained it > by saying any differently. Get yourself a > Speak-and-Spell, it is greatly > needed. > > Tired of Dean's B.S. > > Adam > > > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com Received on Sat 22 Jul 2006 06:38:15 AM PDT |
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