[meteorite-list] Ad: Incredible Seymchan pallasite slice.

From: Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jul 22 00:17:18 2006
Message-ID: <20060722032428.32449.qmail_at_web33104.mail.mud.yahoo.com>


I have just loaded a slice of Seymchan on ebay that I
think most list-members would love to look at! I
bought one in France that was 2 cm thick and had it
split with a wire saw into 3 slices. This is the only
one for sale right now, as I have sold one and hold
the other two in my collection for the future.

This is the most unique piece I have ever seen.

Michael Farmer
I will be out of the country until mid-August on two
seperate expeditions, so very little email contact. I
will however be updating the list on Norway in person
with Bob Haag and Robert Ward, we are teaming up and
will be in the strewnfield before long...............

Michael Farmer
Received on Fri 21 Jul 2006 11:24:28 PM PDT

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