[meteorite-list] A new 752 gram meteorite found in Moss, Norway
From: Bjorn Sorheim <astrogeo_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jul 17 19:24:01 2006 Message-ID: <> List, Today another fresh meteorite was recovered in Norway most probably from the same fall as on Friday. This time right in a built-up area in the town of Moss. Moss is situated close to the Oslofjord, population about 30.000. This means the strewnfield must be at least about 3-4 km going in a nortwesterly direction. To be noted is that around 40-50% of the stretch of the centerline in the strewnfield is water, and the Oslofjord except the narrow island of Jel?ya is to the west! Article from a local newspaper is here (in norwegian): http://www.moss-avis.no/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060718/NYHET/107180012# Bj?rn S?rheim Received on Mon 17 Jul 2006 07:23:33 PM PDT |
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