[meteorite-list] Fwd: More on the creationists at the MeteoriteFestival

From: Rob McCafferty <rob_mccafferty_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jul 10 06:44:28 2006
Message-ID: <20060710104424.68327.qmail_at_web50904.mail.yahoo.com>

There are more than one
"branch"-or-whatever-it's-called- of creationist.
Some acknowledge that the time period for creation is
not literally 7 days accept evolution and say that the
only important thing is that it was all begun by God.
There are some who hold a far more fundamental view
which says that everything in the bible must be taken
literally. This is difficult to have sympathy with for
anyone who's familiar with the concept of "chinese
whispers". Even if God Himself were to give a full and
frank account of creation at the dawn of humanity
-which i doubt- it'd inevitably change over the
millenia as it is writte, re-written, told, retold and
I suppose it is just possible that everything was
created 4000 years ago or something and all the
evidence to the contrary is a fabrication created by
God to test our faith. (Now that's what I call
clutching at straws)
Surely a God who created a universe 13.7bn ya with
such intricacy, subtlty and let it run its course to
the present while we struggle to undertand it...well
that's not only more likely, but cleverer more
beautiful and simple. (The word simple is not meant to
be taken literally).
Science and religion are not mutually exclusive.
Einstein, was a firm believer is creation, that
physics is an attempt to see how God put everything
Must be careful. This is a sensitive subject for
people on both sides of the argument. I hope I didn't
offend anyone as it was not my intention. Just my
thoughts on the matter.

Rob McCafferty

--- MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_msn.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> The Creation Research Society.....is different, or
> least was at the
> festival.
> I did not look into them to know exactly where they
> stand on everything. It
> was obvious their thoughts on the origin of man, but
> age....such as the
> writer is talking about....it was less clear.
> It does not appear the writer looked into exactly
> where they stand either,
> as their displays acknowledged evolution. There was
> models of several of
> different periods of human skulls. I thought I
> would see the ages on them
> spaced neatly into a 5,000 year period...or the
> like, but interestingly, the
> oldest they had dated was 1.9 million years old. I
> did not look at them
> close enough to see if that was what they thought as
> the earliest man or
> not. (Such was not my goal at the festival).
> It appeared to me, they had their own definition of
> creationism. Or it was
> one I had never seen before. To bad the writer
> didn't contact the source he
> has wrote so much about on his website. Would have
> liked to have seen
> exactly where the Creation Research Society lies. I
> will note I do agree
> with most of the writers blogging.
> Clear Skies,
> Mark Bostick
> Kansas Meteorite Society
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